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Tabula Rasa

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-08-2007

Tabula Rasa

So, I just downloaded the closed Beta of Tabula Rasa and I can't wait to try it.  Was wondering if anyone else had joined the beta and have already had a play of it.  It looks pretty damn good and i never thought of myself ever playing another type of MMO after warcraft, but just watching the trailers has made me drool in anticepiation.
If anyone can give me the low down of the game that would be great, Bearing in mind that in any RPG I play, I have to be some type of support class/Healer Type (Priest - Troll OFC in Warcraft for many years and now a Belf loladin).
Posts: 748
Registered: ‎19-08-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

I can't tell you much about the game as I haven't played it, but from the small number of people I know playing it, they don't seem too fond of all the features.
Just out of interest, have you had a look at Aion: Towers of Eternity? It's still closed beta in Korea for now, but have a watch at the videos, it looks stunning.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-08-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

Quote from: MikeWhitehead
Just out of interest, have you had a look at Aion: Towers of Eternity? It's still closed beta in Korea for now, but have a watch at the videos, it looks stunning.

Yea I have heard of Aion before, I looked into it but like all Korean based games they look alike.  Aion is very pretty and I might even DL the beta once its out if (Since i Apply for every beta MMO there is) but tbh I wanna get anyway from all these 'fantasy' Type games and try a more Sci-fi Futuristic type, hence why i wanted to try tabula.
Posts: 748
Registered: ‎19-08-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

From what I can tell, the gameplay is very similar to most fantasy MMO's, its just shining the light on it from a different angle. I'll try dig some information up on it for you, if I can pin anyone down for long enough.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

and try a more Sci-fi Futuristic type

Have you had a look at
All my sons play it and I almost have to prise them off the computers to even eat so it must be good. They try and get me to have a go but I can’t afford the subscription on my pension.
Regards, P.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-08-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

Quote from: Pendragon
and try a more Sci-fi Futuristic type

Have you had a look at
All my sons play it and I almost have to prise them off the computers to even eat so it must be good. They try and get me to have a go but I can’t afford the subscription on my pension.
Regards, P.

Haha yea i was thinking of writing "And please don't mention Eve - online" hahaha.  I should rephrase it to "new Sci-fi" type.
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

Tried it and well got bored before I hit level 5, its trying to be FPS with RPG elements.
FPS and MMO's don't mix, get agro and the enemy don't miss no matter how much you move about, so you have to use cover to not get hit.
Beta it says but felt like a late alpha or early closed beta not general beta as you can Get in if you buy the online pre-release pack now.
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-08-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

Well I have tried it now and was really disappointed  Cry  was not as good as it looked.  the beta is very unstable and the game play wasn't great.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎30-10-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa

I've been playing Tabula Rasa for about a month, in pre-beta and beta and now live.  Played it on two different connections at home and at ... well lets leave the second one out shall we  ;D.  Anyway - home connection is Metronet PayGo option 3 - connection rates very bad.  Occassionally stable at a playable 200-350ms but usually in the thousands - 3k+ms.  My other connection is a 2mb Tiscali (bleh) and whilst ping rates are not very good either 200-600ms it never goes above 600ms and is therefore just about playable. 
I enjoy the game, but despise the connection rate, very frustrating.  Still I'm part of a pan gaming guild (Legends) and we have a clan on the TR EU server.  Got a lvl 18 character at the moment - would be higher but for the poor connection rates. 
Anyway what I meant to say was - it's a good game, in it's infancy and makes a huge difference to the wash of Fantasy based ones.  I play GW, DDO, Archlord and LoTro as well - hmmm wonder where I get the time?
Posts: 107
Registered: ‎25-09-2007

Re: Tabula Rasa