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Ping spikes whilst gaming

Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Ping spikes whilst gaming

Hey guys when I gaming online my ping keeps spiking to 200 every 20 to 30 seconds making online gaming a nightmare. I am connected thru a powerline adapter and have 46mb download on speed test so this should not be happening. Need help asap 

Community Gaffer
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Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

Is there a particular game you have issues with or generally across any?
Are you also able to try a direct ethernet connection as opposed to powerline adapters? This will rule out an issue with the adapters or electricity wiring.
It may also be worth running a traceroute to something like when the issue is occurring to see if anything odd flags up.
Let us know how it goes.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Community Gaffer
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Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

Having a read through your previous posts last month, I note you haven’t got back to us since this particular one: where there is some good advice like setting up a ThinkBroadband Quality Monitor which is a really useful diagnostic tool. I’d highly recommend creating a BQM and letting it run while you’re gaming.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

I have tried setting up a bqm and the graph never weorks ahve tried everything nothing ever shows up on the graph

Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

i know for a fact that it is a bandwith problems is there anyway I can purshace a sperate line bc its clear that even the highest broadband package you offer can handle another computer browsing the web not even downloading or streaming. I lag to and unpolaybale point when he is on reddit.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

At speeds of 46mbps you’re getting this doesn’t look to be a bandwidth problem because I know for a fact you can run multiple devices and game at the time with those speeds (I get around that in my shared house). Were you able to try a direct ethernet connection as opposed to using powerline adapters?
Regarding the BQM, if you’re using the Hub One I believe this will reject ICMP/ping requests so you’ll need to put a device into the DMZ to ping though I’d use a basic device which may not be suspectible to attack as whatever device you choose it’ll leave it exposed to the world wide web
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

I need you to talk to me like im a child when it comes to this. I will ditch the powerline adapters when there is nothing else I can do as where the router is placed it so unconventinal to link it with a ethernet from hub one to computer. I have no clue what a DMZ is and no clue what device you want me to ping. On another note the router keeps droping out. There is somthing very wrong going on with my connection ever since about a month ago. It never use to cut out like this and I never had a problem with spikes like this. I have even had an enjineer around and he has fixed my phone line what had a problem (didnt even know as I dont use the phone) and that maybe added about 10mbps but I couldnt care less about download speed to be honest.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

Thanks for the detail.

It sounds like the drops in your connection would likely be the underlying cause for the increased latency. I've tested your line this evening and apart from seeing drops, the tests aren't showing any causes for this.

I can see we've arranged an engineer visit previously, I think it may be a good idea to arrange another one. I've added a reply on to your fault ticket Here. If you can reply to that with your availability for another appointment, we'll get it booked in.

Let us know how it goes.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

I have sent them a reposnce but am still wating for one back. Its so fustrating at around 12 at night when no one was on the internet i felt that the speeds were extra slow instead of spiking when i was browsing the web. I did a speedtest and this is what it showed. [see attached files]. And today I had the other pc to watch youtube in 480p instead of HD and  am still seeing huge spikes. This is defentily a probelm on your guys end. 

Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

After the first evening the engineer came I got back at 8pm and he finished work at around 1 30. He said he couldnt see why my router has been dropping out so fequently and he said he replaced all the wires. I got on tonight and the latency has been worse than it has been for a long time, almost like someone was downloading for like 20 seconds each 3 mins or so. I know your supose to give it time so I will wait for wednesday and if its still bad (my money is on it will) ill update you guys.

Posts: 18
Registered: ‎13-02-2019

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

He also said he has ordered me a new router. can I double check I am getting one on here?

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Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

Are you still having issues or has your problem been resolved?

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎24-09-2017

Re: Ping spikes whilst gaming

Was this issue resolved?

My son is getting very simular issues lagging and disconnected from games while trying to play?  My sons connection is CAT6 cabled via a newgear GS108e Switch to the router.  the pings on a good are 16-17ms, with Pings >200ms every 20-30 pings.  After months of the issue we finaly had a BT egineer out to check the line, but nothing found?  Plusnet sent me a new hub and a charge of £6 delivery, still the same issues, waste of money!  I have run tests on my internal network with 0 errors or lost packet, i have checked all my cables e2e with zero faults.

I have noticed that when my daughter is watching Netflix on her ipad the ping are worse, 8-15 >200ms or worse.  I have seen isues with buffer lags reported on the internet but nothing on how to resolve. 

Any advice on a resolution would be great.