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FTTP trial signup no longer available

Posts: 246
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Registered: ‎25-06-2009

FTTP trial signup no longer available

Just to let you know, we're no longer accepting any new customers onto our FTTP trial.
Any orders in progress will continue, everyone on the trial will remain on the trial and we'll of course keep supporting you.
No need to worry, we're not ending the trial. If anything changes then we'll let you know.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Hi Matt
Thanks for the update.
I have been on the trial since November 2010 and it has been very reliable and stable.  Smiley
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎10-03-2013

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

That's a pity, since it looks like our area will be FTTP only in the next few months. If there's no full product launch i may have to depart for another provider, which i really don't want to do  Embarrassed
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎27-08-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Quote from: Matt
Just to let you know, we're no longer accepting any new customers onto our FTTP trial.
Any orders in progress will continue, everyone on the trial will remain on the trial and we'll of course keep supporting you.
No need to worry, we're not ending the trial. If anything changes then we'll let you know.

Hi Matt, I signed up to Plusnet on 5/8/2014 specifically because I was told I could join this trial (My neighbour is on the trial), my DSL connection has just gone live 22/8/2014. Are you saying I have missed out by 3 days??!! Please pm me.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎10-04-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Hi Tim.
I was notified of your account yesterday. I will be in touch with you shortly  Smiley
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Posts: 1,661
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Registered: ‎13-06-2007

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Very concerned by this. I am moving to a new house soon that only has FTTP, they were built with it installed. Does this mean ill need to leave plusnet and find a new provider?
Posts: 451
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Registered: ‎23-07-2013

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Awesome to see the BT-owned 2nd largest customer of BT Wholesale not offering FTTP in any way, at least for now, having never offered it as a product. That's pretty funny  Smiley
Posts: 36
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Registered: ‎03-02-2008

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

I am also really disappointed to see this. I have been a Plusnet customer since 2002, and our area of Cornwall has just become enabled for FTTP (we do not have FTTC and never will as there is no cabinet). I really don't want to move from Plusnet after so long especially as I have my website and 2 domain names hosted with you as well, but if you aren't going to offer a FTTP package then with reluctance I will have to look elsewhere.
Can you at least give an indication whether you will be offering FTTP as a package at some point, as I would hate to leave only to see that it became available 6 months down the line?
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

buntrob - if you're moving house to an FTTP only area then we can still order you FTTP, just let us know when you put the request in to move house and we'll be able to arrange it
deb - I'll send you a PM, click the My Messages at the top of the page.
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎10-03-2013

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

It seems FTTP is due to be signed off and ready to go here around the end of the month, would i be able to sign up after then?
Posts: 33
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Registered: ‎23-07-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

DOH! I have just noticed this, I had an order in august that got put on pause, just logging in to get it going again.....
(it is an order for port 2 of an existing FTTP install to be turned on)
what do i do?
Posts: 14
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Registered: ‎15-07-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Hi Matt,
I just posted in the "FTTP Trial" thread regarding my FTTP install which has been in progress for some months but seems to have stalled.
I probably should have posted in this thread instead but I only saw it after I posted.
I have a support ticket open for this install (#88589965) but the last comment from Plusnet was on 26th August and despite multiple further queries from me I've not had any replies since then.
Can you help me find out what's going on?
Thanks, James
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎16-10-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

Undecided I just signed up to Plusnet as I thought I could get fibre- I could in the house I was in via talk talk in the house i was in less than 400 metres away. Just moved house and changed supplier at the same time and now found out the trial is off! I wasn't told this at the time of calling to sign up even though I specifically said I wanted fibre. I was told that i needed to connect first then see if fibre were available. Had they said all trials were on stop then i would not have progressed. Is there any way this can be reconsidered and you can add me to the trial?
Posts: 6,824
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Registered: ‎27-10-2012

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

@ criswolf - Can you definitely get FTTP or do you mean FTTC? You can check here
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎20-06-2014

Re: FTTP trial signup no longer available

With reference to an earlier question will FTTP be  dumped after FTTdp is rolled out as any extra speed will only benefit a few who require silly speeds.