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FTTP - Usage

Posts: 110
Registered: ‎19-05-2010

FTTP - Usage


I have been wondering what those with FTTP (myself included ;D) will use it for. So instead of wondering I thought I'd ask you!!!
I currently use broadband for gaming (xbox) and the odd download here or there, but what I am really interested in is full HD streaming of films and new gaming platforms like OnLive. Problem is these are both not widely available yet, particularly in the UK. So other than downloading data intensive media content, iplayer and multiple users online, what else will benefit from such ridiculously high speeds that we can benefit from right now?
Answer on a postcard, I mean on the poll Crazy
(Let me know if I need to add any catergories to the poll)
[Moderator's note by Thomas (Be3G): bold tags fixed.]
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Re: FTTP - Usage

hum i was first vote for multiple users online, maybe this is because am the first under 2mb to vote.
went for hd streaming but i include HQ 1500kbps streams in that to, plus with 16mb est for my line i can stream iplayer hd to every tv in this house and still have 4mb down spare to get some smoothish web browsing done as well. oh and online backup and the likes will become reailty.
is all gravy no matter what when your under 2mb on adsl, fingers crossed for good stable latency to on ftc
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Re: FTTP - Usage

Voted streaming HD as I either don't have a problem with or don't use the other options.
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Posts: 292
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Re: FTTP - Usage

I went for Gaming and Multiple users, however i wouldve also added torrents cos i download alot of anime.
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Re: FTTP - Usage

Limiting to only two choices is a bit restrictive?  Multiple users is prime with Cloud Computing and IPTV vying for 2nd spot.  IPTV won the family vote Grin  but I really want to play with Cloud Computing to get behind the marketing led hype Grin

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Posts: 110
Registered: ‎19-05-2010

Re: FTTP - Usage

Quite right Maurice. I have edited the question to "what will you use it for MOSTLY..."
Naturally I will make use of all that it has to offer (as it becomes available), but I am most interested in the core uses.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎17-08-2010

Re: FTTP - Usage

I went for multiple users and online back-up for "mostly", online back-up technically covering a multitude of sins - I work in media and online so deal with a variety of multimedia content and regularly upload at work and download at home. I also have premium one-click host accounts with RapidShare and Netload which I provide details to clients to upload content to and I then pull down at work or home (works really well). I'm currently with Sky and get about 5meg and can pull down up to 300GB a month. That's not likely to increase but on FTTP I'll get the content much quicker and I'll also be able to upload some content from home, saving me a trip to the office.
I also download a few tv shows from the States but that's neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things - also use one-click hosts for this as BT is very poor IMO on the public trackers and a lot of the good private ones have closed (mostly likely due to the likes of RapidShare no doubt).
So, perhaps a bit obvious, but I'll mostly use my FTTP connection for uploading and downloading for work with the occasional bit of IPTV.
I also have to consider additional users and their usage (normally Facebook, YouTube, Spotify etc) so I can allocate 10% to them and the rest for me Smiley