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FTTP Trial Contract Extension

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FTTP Trial Contract Extension


Wondering if one of the technically gifted can assist.


I've recently joined the FTTP trial.  When I joined, I read the trial T&C's which said that as its a trial, my existing contract period will remain unchanged.

I've kept an eye on this only because I want to dump my landline and (at the point of being accepted on the trial) I had 3 months of an 18 month contract left.  Great I thought, only another 3 months of paying for a landline thet Ive not used to make calls from in over a year!


However now it seems that both my landline and my fibre product both have been subject to a new 18 month contract.  I'm assuming this is just an oversight and someone can change my contract length back to what it was?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

@PDT wrote:




However now it seems that both my landline and my fibre product both have been subject to a new 18 month contract.  I'm assuming this is just an oversight and someone can change my contract length back to what it was?


You're right, that's wrong!

Hopefully @Gandalf or another helpful PN staffer will see this thread and fix that for you.

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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension


Hi there.

It looks like the product change to fibre automatically started a new contract, so I've removed that now.

Due to the way our system works, I can't apply a 3 month contract so your account will show you're out of contract.

But I've left a big note at the top advising you've got 3 months left.

If you let me know over here when you would like us to remove your phone service I'll arrange this for you.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

@PDT wrote:



I've kept an eye on this only because I want to dump my landline and (at the point of being accepted on the trial) I had 3 months of an 18 month contract left.  Great I thought, only another 3 months of paying for a landline thet Ive not used to make calls from in over a year!




I'm not 100% sure on this as I've never had a PN landline contract, but I'm fairly certain that I've seen posts on here saying that it's cheaper to pay the 'get-out penalty' for the remaining period than pay the remaining line rental itself.

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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

Yeah @RobPN you’re right. The early termination fee for the phone side of a contract is currently £8.54 for each month remaining.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

Thanks @Gandalf
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

Could I therefore please dump my landline? I accept paying the £8.xx a month early termination.

Thanks in advance.
Community Gaffer
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

I've created ticket 173241439 on your account with more info.

If you would like to go ahead can you reply to that letting us know?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension


I’ve recently dumped my landline now that I’m on the trial. This has (so far) been handled well.

However Plusnet HQ now think I’ve migrated to a different provider and they’re ceasing my account.

Please can someone assist?

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name(s) removed from attachment (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Personal information removed from attachment in a public forum.

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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension


Unfortunately this is not unknown  - a consequence of the Trail not being integrated with the back office systems. Sometimes when the phone line is cancelled the "system" thinks the account is being closed.


Hopefully the wizard will work his magic for you.



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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

I'm very sorry for that response you've received from our billing team.

I've made sure feedback is passed on through my line manager.

I'll also make sure we don't close your account.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

Apologies for including personal information on the attachment - an oversight on my behalf.

However I do find it incredible that we can remove some detail from an attachment within hours of it being posted, yet as a company you can manage to close an account that is still active....
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension


The Moderators on this forum are customers like yourself who have no access to your account or Plusnet systems.

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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

In fairness to the mods, they’re just customers like yourself who do a very good job.

With regards to that response you’ve received on your ticket, again I’m very sorry and I appreciate it’s not acceptable considering the explicit notes I left on your ticket advising you’re on FTTP and not to close your account. This is why I’ve provided feedback. I’m glad I stopped the closure in time. Thanks for flagging this to us.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 32
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Registered: ‎18-03-2018

Re: FTTP Trial Contract Extension

Not a problem and thank you for your help. You’re an asset to Plusnet.