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Problems with Webmail

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎08-09-2015

Problems with Webmail

Having major problems with my Webmail. Chatted with PlusNet but got nowhere. Mail coming into the Inbox on my webmail but when I click on them to open they disappear into thin air with a message " Unable to download from server" I explained this to the online chat adviser but all I got was " that's strange" and a comment that PlusNet had been experiencing problems with Webmail to-day. Anybody out there with this problem or an answer to it?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 541
Fixes: 20
Registered: ‎02-03-2015

Re: Problems with Webmail

Hi hemingway1943,

I am sorry to hear about these issues you have being facing with your Webmail. Have you tried this on any other devices to see if you are getting the same message and issue?

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎08-09-2015

Re: Problems with Webmail


On my PC I am operating with Microsoft Outlook. Emails are coming in OK with no problems at all. It is only when I try to open the emails on my Laptop where I use PlusNet webmail to view my emails.

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎31-03-2017

Re: Problems with Webmail

hi there I am same problem,had trouble now for nearly two weeks with webmail.

Posts: 60
Thanks: 4
Registered: ‎29-11-2016

Re: Problems with Webmail

Me Too I have been having problems with slow response Webmail since September2016 and I have reported it a few times and all I get is "we are aware of it and sorry" Really! My last inquiry was this week where I spoke to a chap called [CSA Removed] on the online chat facility. The same thing we are aware of it , we are upgrading our servers, our techies are working on the problem, (it's only taken over 8 months). Then he offered to re-set my Webmail  and advised to try again in an hour. After an hour absolutely no improvement. I also told him that up until 0930 hrs weekday all seems to work ok, his reply"the servers are busy with too many people on the webmail service"

    This really is not good enough it's been going on for far to long, these online guy's must be instructed to tell us customers any old twaddle just to pacify us. .. Plusnet can you just be honest and give us a definitive answer.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name removed as per Forum rules.