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MySQL Details?

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎12-10-2007

MySQL Details?

Hey guys, I need some help or direction, I want to set up wordpress - But I can't get started as I don't know the MySQL user name or password.
It's been activated, but that was a while ago - and I don't have any emails with the info. Where can I get the info? Cry
Thanks for reading
Posts: 14,469
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: MySQL Details?

Deactivate then reactivate and you will get a new email.
Same applies to ccgi activation  email.
Also do a search for wordpress for important compatibility issues, and be aware that php files cannot be .htaccess protected on the ccgi.
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎14-11-2007

Re: MySQL Details?

I just found your message - when you say ! " I don't have any emails with the info. Where can I get the info?"
Well you would of got the e-mail but they seem to send it to the catch all address.  Suggest check via web mail.
BTW how far did you get with wordpress?
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: MySQL Details?

@Flexing, did you get this sorted? If not I can reset your password for you if you like?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵