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smtp 535 error

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

smtp 535 error

Hi. Ive been trying to setup a program that sends me email notifications. Unfortunately this has led to a 535 error on my smtp. I tried to talk to plusnet on the phone but he didnt understand what i was talking about and wanted to use my phone remotely. I have tried to send an emails from outlook and they are not getting though, The outlook settings have not been changed.

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Re: smtp 535 error

What program are you trying to set up? The 535 error is because you are entering the wrong credentials.

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Re: smtp 535 error

That is one possibility - there are others, it all depends on the qualification of the 535 error message.  The credentials could be correct, but there have been too many failures or the IP address has been black balled.  Mention of a phone could imply that this is on a mobile network.

Not enough information here to offer guidance.

A too many failures condition will lead to Outlook also failing (to send) if connecting over the same network.

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Re: smtp 535 error

Understand, @Townman but as the OP seems to have disappeared into the ether, despite my relatively quick response...

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

Re: smtp 535 error

Thank you for the quick reply. And apologies for the late one, I had to take my son into town.
I am trying to setup a programme that sends me a notification of an event to my mailbox, its not a email client. I know it can be done because ive done it in the past. It asks 
smtp_server =
smtp_port =465 (tried 25 and 587)
smtp_authentication = SSL. (tried TTL and None, dont have the option for starttls)
smtp_login = adkin
smtp_password = ****password**
ive tried the settings that ive used before and ive checked on the net BUT i now get an error 535, b'...authentication rejected and after a few more attempts it says too many errors try later.
I then checked in outlook and tried to send a email to myself and i cannot send out but can receive. As you said it sounds like my account has been black balled, what to do?

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Re: smtp 535 error

You have described precisely what I suspected - the un-named application has failed multiple times to the point of too many attempts… and then ALL access to the SMTP service becomes blocked for a while.

Elsewhere around here there are two threads relating to a broken back up application which needs a fix to its email module. Is this by chance the same product?

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Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

Re: smtp 535 error

The software is called Radiosonde auto RX ( found on github  . It Tracks weather balloons and email notifications are sent regarding new detections, and landing locations. The configuration page here line 356 to 416 is where these settings are.

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Re: smtp 535 error

If the program is ALWAYS running on a machine connected to your home broadband ( wired or wireless ) , then you shouldn't need to use authentication.

smtp_authentication = None

and probably set the following

smtp_login = None
smtp_password = None

You probably need a valid email address in the Source

from = sonde@<youraccountname>  ( assuming you are using PN email address and not a domain address )

also set smtp_port = 587

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Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

Re: smtp 535 error

Im getting "(535, b'Too many SMTP auth failures. Please try again later.')" 

I will try later

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Re: smtp 535 error

I'd leave  trying with the program until you can sucessfully send using Outlook. That will confirm that the temporary 'ban' has been lifted.

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Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

Re: smtp 535 error

One issue has been rectified, i can now send out emails from outlook. I now need to work out what settings this notification service for the programme without  doing too many tries too frequently


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Re: smtp 535 error


@MisterW wrote:

If the program is ALWAYS running on a machine connected to your home [PLUSNET] broadband ( wired or wireless ) , then you shouldn't need to use authentication.

So long as there is no VPN involved!



Does the application produce a diagnostic log?

We have seen another product behave like this recently.  It was suggested that product did not have issues with an address ... however eventually that vendor produced a new email library and the issues disappeared.  In their case the issue was not present in their 2022 product but was present in the 2023 and 2024 versions.

The reason for sharing that is so that you do not assume unquestioningly that the issue is with the known settings - it could be the product.


You MUST use SSL or TLS if you specify port 465.  Use of this port is deprecated and is only for encrypted connections.

Try port 587 with NO ENCRYPTION until you get this working.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎22-02-2024

Re: smtp 535 error

used 587 no authentication just, and the software requires smtp login and password in the fields and is  now working ( and out going email in outlook. All sorted. THANK YOU.

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Re: smtp 535 error

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): The fix has been changed to @Townman as per message #12.

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