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slow email service AGAIN

Posts: 60
Thanks: 4
Registered: ‎29-11-2016

slow email service AGAIN


does anyone know or have an email address for anyone within Plusnet? I want to contact them I know I can phone but you wait for ages hanging on so that's out. Having been a loyal customer for 9 years I expect a better  customer service.

  In the distant past they have been very good when I needed Tech help or Questions answered, the problem now is slow email servers which has been going on for some time and should have been sorted out by now. I am seriously thinking of changing for another ISP



Posts: 15
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎14-03-2012

Re: slow email service AGAIN

My IMAP email either slow or just does not happen.  Downloaded some on my iPhone first thing this morning, but still unable to get on my computer this evening.  If you are working and doing something else, try the Chat line, they tell you your number on the waiting list.  

Hot tip - call them at 7:30 in the morning when they open their lines.  

Otherwise you could try  No guarantee they will answer, certainly not for a couple of days.

Posts: 34
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Registered: ‎03-01-2017

Re: slow email service AGAIN

It baffles me. Its been going on since October. Why can't one of the biggest ISPs in the country make email work?

2 strokes good - 4 strokes bad : George Orwell.
Posts: 31
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Registered: ‎14-10-2016

Re: slow email service AGAIN

They can't and they are not bothered, if I was you get out of your plusnet contract as soon as you can. They're worse than talktalk..

Rising Star
Posts: 671
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Re: slow email service AGAIN


What makes you say that Talk Talk is any better than PN?,


Rising Star
Posts: 671
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Registered: ‎30-12-2010

Re: slow email service AGAIN


Yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly.  I have been with PN for over 7 years.  In those days I could easily get in touch with support very easily and resolve the issues quickly.  Now it is becoming impossible - as you mentioned, it takes ages to contact support, there are no ticket/s system to check on what is happening with your issue and there is no way of finding out what has been done.

I have been suffering from very, very slow loading of webmails after logging-in for nearly a year.  We keep getting promises that they are working very hard to sort it out.  If I recall, this was supposed to have been sorted in December 2016.  It is very well for PN support to ask us to use Mail Clients, but when you are away from base it is not always possible to use mail client/s.  One needs to use the Webmail to stay on top of your incoming mail.

So, it make me wonder if PN really has commitment in sorting the Webmail issue or are they just stringing us, the punters, on.

In the past days, the PN staff used to come on the forum to join in the possible solution/s to the issues.  I notice that is no longer happening.

Yes, a very serious thinking has to be priority to get the best deal from other providers.

I am hoping that PN staff will respond to this posting. Otherwise, we can assume that PN has no intention of solving the issues which is becoming a huge concern to its users.

Rising Star
Posts: 56
Thanks: 25
Registered: ‎11-11-2016

Re: slow email service AGAIN

I've just complained again direct to Andy Baker CEO . My first complaint got a response from one of their complaints handlers saying that a fix was due in Dec 2016 but obviously nothing has changed. We still have the same old rubbish webmail issues (ultra slow, session failed, server unavailable, attachments can't be sent, etc etc). So I've just had a response from the 'complaint handlers'  again and its the same old excuses . He tried describing all the technicality of the so called 'fixes'  but I'm not interested and asked him for a deadline (I proposed 1 month otherwise I'd leave them). He couldn't commit to that date and frustratingly didn't offer any other future date. So this time I've emailed Gavin Patterson (BT CEO ) and told him that Plusnet is failing thousands of their customers and is causing detrimental damage to BT's brand (could it be worse than their Italian fiasco?). I've informed Mr Patterson and Mr Baker that I will leave Plusnet and BT forever if the webmail issues aren't fixed within a month. Can't be plainer than that can I?