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domain hosting mail re-directs

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

domain hosting mail re-directs

Hi, Im new here and need some help, Ive read many posts on this topic but still unsure if im correct in what ive done. 

So, i have a created a MX record with the hosting provider, using not smtp as it isn't configured on my email account as it requires static ip addressing. 

1st question, will this matter, still work?

secondly, once this is configured correctly, what do i need to configure on the plusnet side, within the email account?

Help greatly appreciated...


added: just created a mailbox in this format "my external domain name"@"plusnet mail domain" if im understanding some of oldjims posts correctly?


Posts: 23,309
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: domain hosting mail re-directs


A warm welcome to the forums.

I take it that you are trying to point your own domain name, registered elsewhere to your Plusnet email service?  This is not a service Plusnet offer any more - certainly not for accounts created after Dec 2017.

If your account predates that time, it might still be possible to add hosting (the rules for this are not clear) but the domain MUST use PlusNet's name servers.

Irrespective, using the IMAP mail server is not going to get you anywhere … it is not an email relaying service.

Note: OldJim's posts might well now refer to times predating PlusNet's termination of domain name support.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

Re: domain hosting mail re-directs

Hi Townman,


and thanks for the welcome. I thought it was domain hosting that was dropped in 2017, never mind. I have now set this up with improvmx, super simple to do so all sorted. 

Appreciate your response, i would have continued to bang my head against a brick wall for an other day or so otherwise.




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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: domain hosting mail re-directs


Just to be sure I have not misunderstood you ... are you thinking about domain name registration?

There are three distinct aspects here ...

Domain registration
Domain name server
Domain name services hosting

Plusnet has (to the best of my knowledge) never hosted anything which is not on their name servers. So you can have a domain name managed by an external registrar but that has to point to PlusNET’s name sever. Configuring the domain on another’s DNS pointing to PlusNET’s hosts has always been a non-starter.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

Re: domain hosting mail re-directs

Hi Townman,

I have a domain name registration with Godaddy. I simply wanted to use the domain name for my emails, using my existing mail servers via plusnet. Thought it would be cleaner to manage this in one space.

So, I have an MX record set up with Godaddy pointing to improvmx now, which simply forwards all emails sent to my domain onto my designated email address (catchall) which i can then separate out. 

I did think I could point to Plusnet servers and they would handle that for me making life simpler. I did speak top support this morning but they seemed to have less knowledge than me on the topic and i got cut off.. Didn't bother calling them back


Hopefully that makes sense.

