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Webmail on chrome

Posts: 284
Registered: ‎13-08-2007

Webmail on chrome

I am having problems using plusnet webmail on chrome.  no matter how many times i refresh nothing happens.  I have no problems with microsoft edge.  Any ideas?

Not applicable

Re: Webmail on chrome

Good morning  morgan2476,

Just a thought have you cleared browsing history/data

On Google Chrome click on the three dots on top RHS of screen  click on More Tools another box will pop up with Clear browsing data if you then click on Advanced you will see how many items you have in Browsing History select what you wish to clear and hit the clear data

I don't do the bottom four



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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Webmail on chrome

What is the nature of the problem?

Chrome does indeed appear to be markedly slower in loading the inbox content than does Edge, but that could well be a complication of the known performance issues of the generic Round Cube webmail product.

Slow webmail

There is a known gremlin in the third party Round Cube webmail program which can cause delays in listing emails - see the end user mitigation post at the top of the Email board here. It somewhat appears that any sorting or filtering on a large mailbox cripples the performance of RC webmail, where as the 'basic' webmail program (Squirrel Mail) is not affected. Using Squirrel Mail can be an effective way of accessing a mail box which is running slow with RC.


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