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Re: Reducing mailbox size

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Registered: ‎09-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

I also have similar received emails urging me to reduce my mailbox size. I've  encountered a slightly different problem.  I've been on to, but it only shows emails relating to one of my three email addresses. I cannot log in to my other two addresses- one of which contains the bulk of my emails. So I can't reduce my mailbox size which plusnet has asked me to do. 

I have reduced many emails on my i.mac, but I assume this is not the same thing.

I'm not particularly computer literate and so would welcome any advice, including from plusnet's experts if they read this.


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Re: Reducing mailbox size

Hi @Ticker1 

A warm welcome to the forums.  Generally it is better to create your own topic for your instance of an issue (unless there is a request for all instances to be reported on one thread).  Whilst the symptoms might appear to be the same, the specifics can be different, making advising multiple people on the same thread difficult and confusing to follow.

I will ask the mods to split your post to a new thread.


If you have more than one Plusnet mail box, then you need to specify each mailbox name on the webmail log on screen...

  • The user name for your default mail box is useraccountname
  • The user name for other email addresses is useraccountname+mailboxname

The password is the one applicable for the mailbox in question.


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Re: Reducing mailbox size

Moderators Note

This topic has been split from another thread for better visibility and to keep info in one place.

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Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

I have received these automated letters and have dutifully deleted unwanted E mails. But it seems to make little difference! My main mailbox has just been forcibly archived and I am told I still have 304 Mb in the other one. Looking at this now on the server, there are 36 E mails in my Inbox with an average size of about 20 kb - so a total of well under 1 Mb. All the other folders are empty?

What am I missing, and can I please have my archived mails back?


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Re: Reducing mailbox size

Hi @hollyville 

Usually the waring emails advise of the size of the top 5 largest mailboxes...

  1. Have you checked all of them? [Log in to each on webmail]
  2. Have you checked the contents the following folders...
    1. Inbox
    2. Sent items
    3. Draft items
    4. Junk folder
    5. Other folders
    6. ... and then emptied the deleted items folder
  3. Have you run the compress mailbox option? [In webmail, select a folder (not the inbox), click the cog at the bottom of the file pane and select "compact"]


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Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

Hi there

I've done all of those except the compressing one. But now I'm in a real mess because having changed my main mailbox to POP, it's not downloading from the server (though everything else was working) So I decided to change back to IMAP, and my Windows 10 mail settings seem to have shrunk. To cut a long story short I deleted the account, preparing to reinstall it, now it won't recognise the account. I hate computers!

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Re: Reducing mailbox size

Do you mean the Win10 mail program?

It is a beast!  It does not help when setting up a new account, the type option you want (IMAP / Internet / Manual setup) is an option at the bottom of the list, which is not displayed and needs to be scrolled to by moving the invisible scroll bar!!

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Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

Fingers crossed, I've got the account back - I had to do something scary, Run as administrator to replace the FOD package (or something??) and then it did as it should. But not sure whether it's POP or IMAP!

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

Since the above troubles - which I thought were sorted! - I now find that the mails I have sent (via Windows 10 mail)on the account that had its contents removed  have just stuck in the Outbox. My other account still works fine. I've removed and replaced it to no avail. Can anyone help? I can successfully send messages via the Plusnet Webmail, but I do want my account to work again like it did.

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: Reducing mailbox size

So the emails appear to be stuck in the out box, but were they actually sent?

Sometimes emails can appear stuck in the outbox because after successfully sending them, the email program has not successfully moved them to the SENT ITEMS folder.

For clarity, is you email client configured as POP3 or IMAP?

When you set up the account, did the send an email work OK?

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Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

No, they weren't sent (leading to some embarrassment!)

The account was IMAP but I did try to change to POP, following ideas on this forum. Now, I don't actually know, and can't remember how to find out. Windows 10 mail settings is a very minimalist affair.

Thanks for your help!

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-04-2020

Re: Reducing mailbox size

PS to above  it used to work fine, and its sister account still does. It's only since all my E mails were removed and I started trying to 'improve' matters that I have had this trouble.

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Re: Reducing mailbox size

Win10 Mail is a bag of spanner’s!

If you have not got Outlook I would recommend you do a google search for Outlook Express for Win10. It is old, it is not supported but it works far better than Win10 Mail.

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