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Lots of spam and phishing email today

Rising Star
Posts: 3,435
Thanks: 23
Registered: ‎18-01-2013

Lots of spam and phishing email today

I run my own email servers and over the past 24/48 hours I've seen a massive increase in spam, viruses and phishing emails.
Normally my Spamassassin and ClamAv reject or identify the majority of these but they have struggled to keep up. As soon as they start correctly identifying them the next wave come through ......
These are obviously from previously "sold" email addresses as they have my full name on them and an address I only use for online shopping - it hasn't been released on forums or otherwise (I really must get round to using one per site and identify who is selling my details !).
Today I've had lots of unpaid invoices, rejected delivery attempts, received faxes, new debit instructions from my bank, photographs from a mobile operator ... the list goes on.
Just a heads up to you all, nothing to do with Plusnet but there appears to be quite a spamming drive going on at the moment.