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Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts

Posts: 7
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎20-08-2021

Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts

Apologies if this is on here already, but I’ve searched and see all the options I can from responses to other people, yet my issue still exists.
My other half cannot get emails through on his iPad. He used to, but now….nothing!
He gets them OK on his laptop, but his laptop is off most of the time as he prefers to get them on his iPad, so it’s not as if they are going there and we don’t see them on the iPad.

And it’s not his iPad Mail client as I can get my emails through his iPad, so it works fine.

The issue appears to be with the supplementary account. When I put my settings into his iPad, the emails stream through. As soon as I change the account and add the + sign into the email address, I get the error message ‘Cannot Get Mail. The username or password for “” is incorrect’

It appears that the account user name of (username+initial part of his email address) is not liked by the iPad

His settings are as follows:


Host Name -

Username - plusnet username+first part of his email (e.g. myconnection+paul)

Password (is correct as Plusnet customer service changed it to this)

Use SSL = Off

Authentication =Password

Server Port 143


Host Name -

Username (as above)

Password (entered, as above)

Use SSL = Off

Authentication = password

Server Port 587


Plusnet have not been able to help. I’ve spent HOURS on the phone to them and they just say ‘oh dear’ and that’s it. Nothing works!!

Can anyone here please suggest something. I’m going crazy with this. I’ve had it working before. The mail client works fine. Why won’t it work now???
Thanks in advance

Posts: 24,456
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts

Is this the iOS native email application?  If yes, then consider the following...

  1. Verification of the email settings is done in separately to the mail application - if the settings are wrong, you'd know about it well before attempting to download the email
  2. iOS has a reputation for getting account settings "messed" up - usually this is fixed by deleting the IMAP account and starting again from scratch
  3. ‘Cannot Get Mail. The username or password for “” is incorrect’ covers a lot of issues, other than wrong account / password issues

Note when you added "+paul" to the settings which worked, did you change the password to that for the +paul mailbox?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 7
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎20-08-2021

Re: Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts

Thanks for your response. This is the iOS native email application:

1. The settings part is where I get the error message of Cannot Get Mail. When the iPad goes through the verification process with the settings, that’s when the box comes up telling me ‘Cannot Get Mail. The username or password for “” is incorrect’

2. I’ve deleted the IMAP account and reset it up more times than I care to remember. I’ve deleted the whole email account. I’ve tried it in Outlook for iPad, but nothing works. And yet, the laptop has the account set up as a POP (we want it to download and stay on the laptop, because we’ve normally read and responded on the iPad) and it works perfectly. I have the same set up on my iPad/laptop and both work perfectly.

I did change the password to the +paul mailbox in the settings.

I know these are all negative responses but I’m completely stumped.

Posts: 7
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎20-08-2021

Re: Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts


Why is it always the way???

I've struggled and struggled with this for weeks, on and off. I've done every single thing I can to try and resolve it. 

Today, for one last time, I've been into the Plusnet main page, deleted the password for the supplementary account and reset it. 

It has worked!!

I've done this time and time again over the past few weeks, but today, I'm in and the emails are coming into the iPad. 

I need a lie down.

Posts: 24,456
Thanks: 10,440
Fixes: 180
Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Emails won’t come through for supplementary accounts

OK, thanks for the clarification.

When creating an account on iOS it sorts out the encryption settings for its self, you just need to supply the other details which for should be...

  • Incoming host name (IMAP)
  • Outgoing host name (SMTP)
  • Username youraccount+paul
  • Password as appropriate

You do not need to specify anything else - the device will attempt to verify the settings, then prompt you to save the settings and report account saved.

On re-inspecting the account settings, you will find that...

  • Incoming settings are - Use SSL Port 993
  • Outgoing settings are - Use SSL Port 587

Which are perfectly correct.

NB: You are setting this up as an "other" account?


On a different point the mixed use of both POP3 and IMAP is generally very bad kama.  POP3 does not do what so many people think it does.  POP3 only reads the INBOX folder (and then I think only the root folder).  Where a mailbox (such as here) is used by both IMAP and POP3, the sent items, draft and other folders used correctly by IMAP are NOT downloaded by the POP3 client.

There is only one proper way to manage access of multiple clients to the same mailbox - make them all IMAP and implement appropriate systematic archiving processes on one device.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.