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Why are posts being deleted?

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Why are posts being deleted?

Some of the posts I have made this morning appear to have been deleted, but with no warning or notification, is any one able to explain this please?

P.S. I'm going self report this post to the Mods to bring it to their attention.



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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

I removed some inappropriate posts from the ‘humour’ thread.
Others that were fine have got caught up due to the way the forum software works.
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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

Thanks @dvorak, I'll assume from your reply that mine were just collateral damage and were not deemed inappropriate as I've had no notification to indicate otherwise. Smiley

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

That's 'the problem' with comedy, it can (and must) push the boundaries but for many it's becoming the last redoubt of free speech.

Fans of Ricky Gervais of course will know all about that. 🙂

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

Curiously a post reported as Spam yesterday was deleted singularly, all following posts moved 1 up the thread with the post previously following the deleted post taking the deleted posts number

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?


Inappropriate for some... and for plusnet.

Understandable I guess given the framework they try to operate in. Over the top and just a bit knee jerk sometimes, but there you have it.


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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

It is all very well and appropriate having posts deleted but if the poster is not notified as to the reason why then no lessons will be learned and the circle will continue and no one gains anything and the mods waste their time.

I for one am of the opinion that there was nothing wrong with what I wrote and as mentioned above having not heard anything to the contrary then there is nothing to stop me form posting the same again as I could in response to message 4 above.

I'm not telling the mods how to do their job but it makes sense to me that when a post or posts is / are removed, for whatever reason, the poster should be provided with the reason why, so they can avoid making such post in the future.

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

Yep I agree Mook, I and others had posts deleted from one thead. I know which one it was, but I won't say it here.
I was annoyed as I didn't see any rhyme or reason for them being deleted, oh well first time it has happened to me.

Already I can see other heated threads on General Chat, and I don't understand some people.

I look at these forums as if I were speaking to people in person. You wouldn't dare tolerate some of the things being said to you. Say for example if you were in a pub - you'd walk out tell them politely to get lost (I'd better not say a more sweary version of that).

My niece is better behaved than some people on here, and she turned 6 on Friday.

Yes I appreciate it is difficult times for all of us with what is going on.

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

@dvorak wrote:
I removed some inappropriate posts from the ‘humour’ thread.
Others that were fine have got caught up due to the way the forum software works.

One of my posts disappeared from that thread, but I've had no notification.

Can I therefore safely re-post, or are offenders not notified anyway?

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

I'm working on the same assumption that you are @198kHz as I got no notification that must mean my post wasn't the culprit. This is why the poster needs be told of the infringement.

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

One possible option is rather than physically delete the post why don't the mods edit it and leave a message saying "Content removed as it was deemed inappropriate." That way everyone knows and all other messages (unless quotes of the original) are left intact. You wouldn't want too many of these showing up against your name so you'd be more inclined to think before you posted.

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

What is it about some contributors to the Chat board.

A light hearted thread is started then after a few posts some bright spark pops their head up, not to contribute but to say that they find it boring for no other reason than the rules say they can. This can be interpreted to be deliberate provocation.  There is then a ding dong followed by posts on this board asking the mods to take action. I don't know the terms of reference for these long suffering volunteers when it comes to the chat board but is this reasonable?


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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

@Baldrick1 wrote:

What is it about some contributors to the Chat board.

A good question - you do have to wonder.

Some will always "push the envelope", but I think too often it's over-stretched before the rules are applied.


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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

Yep I got a PM from someone (not a mod) saying they asked for a thread to be removed.

I responsed and said "Was it any of my posts?".
Resonse was: "No".

You don't exactly need to be Columbo to know that isn't the case.

If you're going to lie to me, try doing it with someone else. I'd rate that attempt a D- at best.

Thank god I have an education.

Right I will shut up there.

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Re: Why are posts being deleted?

@Mook wrote:

One possible option is rather than physically delete the post why don't the mods edit it and leave a message saying "Content removed as it was deemed inappropriate." That way everyone knows and all other messages (unless quotes of the original) are left intact. You wouldn't want too many of these showing up against your name so you'd be more inclined to think before you posted.

Maybe my memory's playing up, but isn't that what used to happen?

Maybe not each and every post, but ISTR messages such as "A number of posts have been removed because ..."


Edit:  I didn't see the later posts referred to so they're a mystery to me, but I think at least one of my posts must also have been collateral (or otherwise), although I don't recall saying anything offensive.