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Can anything be done to make rendering forum pages less CPU intensive ?

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Can anything be done to make rendering forum pages less CPU intensive ?

All of the PCs I have are relatively old machines, but all are dual-core, some are 2GHz/core(core2duo)laptops, others are 3.4GHz/core(P4)desktops, and others in-between,  most are fitted with 4GB of RAM,  but they all take MANY seconds to fully render web pages on this new forum.


Using other websites with comparable complexity, such as eBay, those other sites load within perhaps 1 to 3 seconds, whereas this forum I'm still finding will often take 8 to 12 seconds.


I'm sure that the speed isn't limited by my broadband speed, but the 'System Monitor' is showing many seconds of 100% CPU utilization of a single CPU core.


It is very frustrating, waiting for every forum page to appear complete, only to have it resize, or otherwise move, just when you think it's safe to type or do a mouse click.


My question is, can the forum code be streamlined so that it doesn't require so much CPU resource to load each page, or make the rendering multi-threaded (so more CPU cores can work simultaneously) ?

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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Can anything be done to make rendering forum pages less CPU intensive ?

I find this very strange. At present I'm using a m/c with 1GB memory & Athlon64 3400 processor which is single core and not having that problem. I notice on my mobiles (connected via wifi) that the pages can take longer - sometimes painfully slow to complete. I'll try and discover how many core etc. - they are only cheap ones.