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Slow connection

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎24-12-2020

Slow connection

I'm new to PlusNet which I use for my small two-person office, but when both of us use it at the same time for online meetings, it's useless and freezes, sound distorted etc.  We've now got to check if each other is using it before trying to use it, which is no use.  I was under the impression I couldn't get fibre optic in the building, but now not sure if I can or not.  The package I'm on is 'Unlimited business broadband and phone'.  Is there any way I can get a better connection?  I'm really not sure what to do, but need to fix this if possible.  Thanks. 

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Registered: ‎30-06-2016

Re: Slow connection


Are you connecting to your hub over a Network cable or wireless? Which hub you are using? If you are uploading data, such as video on an ADSL line you will very quickly  run out of bandwidth and have these problems.

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Posts: 3
Registered: ‎24-12-2020

Re: Slow connection

Thanks for your reply.  The computer in the room where the router is connects wirelessly.  In my room which is a little further away and through a very thick wall (old building) connects via ethernet cable.  The router they sent me is a small white one - apologies, as you'll have guessed I'm not too technical-minded.


I notice a huge difference with my home broadband (BT fibre optic) compared to the PlusNet in my office, and it can handle two people doing FaceTime/Skype chats at the same time without issue.  In the office though, it's impossible.

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Slow connection

ADSL (basic broadband) and VDSL (fibre broadband) are entirely different beasts.  What is available in a particular location is entirely down to the infrastructure deployed by BT Openreach.  If BTOR has not deployed FTTC or FTTP in your business' geography then no ISP will be able to offer you fibre services.  If BTOR has only deployed FTTP, at present Plusnet will not be able to offer you a fibre service.

Check BTOR's fibre availability here Fibre broadband (

As @Baldrick1 advises an ADSL service is quite unlikely to support two concurrent zoom meetings - your expectations simply exceed the product's ability and design envelope.  Both devices connecting via ethernet might help a little.  Your description of the router suggests that it is a Hub Zero (2704n) - whilst the wifi is reasonably OK on those, it is not sparkling!

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