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problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎31-03-2018

problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

I'll start by saying that I dont really understand how any of this stuff works !

Both myself and my son live in the same small town and both on Plusnet ADSL unlimited. He is slightly nearer to the exchange than me (if that makes any difference). Both on same PLusnet package and both on same mobile provider (not Plusnet) 
In past few weeks we both find that whilst connection is generally fine on PCs etc, on other devices -- especially mobile and Smart TV -- the wifi connection slows or drops to point where signal disappears altogether. At those times it is impossible to connect to player apps on TV or update apps/sites on phones e.g. Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp., newspaper apps etc. We have to go on to 4G.

We spent over an hour last night trying to get his TV to connect to a particular TV app./channel (UKTV). WiFi connection to TV was hopeless (and yet we were both able to get good wifi signal on our mobiles) and then drops and no wifi signal on anything: phone or TV.

This seems to happen more before noon and then after 8pm.

Any ideas ?  Since we've both begun to experience similar problems, is it a local issue ? 

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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Hi @Lighthouse,


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your WiFi connection. From what you've said, it sounds like there is something within the local environment that is causing interference on the wireless signal.


The guide below will show you how to log into the router and change the wireless channel as it's usually another router in the area on the same or similar channel that will be causing issues for both wireless frequencies. Before picking a channel I'd suggest downloading a free app called wifi analyser which will scan your area for all the routers and show what channels they are on between 1-13. Although the above app isn't essential it helps you pick where your router would be best in terms of channels and saves a lot of time doing it via trial and error.


1) To connect to your Hub One, you will need to open a browser and go to If you have any issues doing this via Wireless, we recommend trying to do it via Ethernet cable instead.


 2) You should come to a page with information about your connection, click 'Advanced Settings' at the top and it will ask you to sign in with a Password. This is located on the back of your router under 'Admin Password'


 3) Select the option for 'Wireless' followed by '5 GHz Wireless'. What we want to do to begin with is turn 'Sync with 2.4 GHz Wireless' to 'Off' and update the SSID to be different. The easiest way would be to add '-5G' to the end so it is identified as its own connection. Once this is changed, we will need to keep an eye on it for a day or 2 to see if the issue continues. If it does, the next step would be to change the wireless channel. Keeping in mind the original 2.4Ghz unchanged name network connection would be the best to connect your devices to for a stronger signal. 


4) Following the above guide to get to your 'Advanced Settings' page, you will need to change the settings within the 2.4 GHz Wireless tab and the 5 GHz Wireless tab.


5) Under the correct heading, you will need to find 'Channel Selection' on the list and change this from 'Automatic' to any one of the other channels, This can also need doing under '5 GHz Wireless' to cover both signals. Give it 3-4 hours of testing to see if the issue still persists and try to change the channel again if you see little or no improvement.


Please let us know how it goes.

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 Emily D
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎31-03-2018

Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Good morning Emily. Thanks for getting back to me.

I can access the router page as far as the Advanced Settings tab but beneath that I do not have an option/tab for 'wireless' as mentioned in your instructions. I only have DNS, WiFi,Access Control,Port Forwarding,Firewall, DynDNS and Management. I cannot therefore follow the rest of your instructions. As far as Smart TV apps go, iPlayer is fine but ITV Hub is hopeless: wont load at all. This may be a problem with the ITV Hub app itself (?). Refreshing apps on phone eg Instagram, WhatsApp is here and there.

I have downloaded the WiFi Analyser app. and our router is using Channel 11. I set it there a few weeks ago because it as far away from all nearby neighbours' channels as possible and nobody else is using Channel 11. The strongest signal near us is on Channel 1.

Do you have any further suggestions about how we might improve our service.


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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

By far the best and permanent solution, providing your TV has the interface, is not to use wireless but instead run an Ethernet cable between your router and the TV. All lengths are available ready made up with connectors from the likes of Amazon. Alternatively if you are any good at DIY you can install your own cable and wire fixed sockets on the end, this makes a more professional job. Again all the bits ate available online.

P.S. Wifi is the same as Wireless in router nomenclature.

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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Hi Baldrick,Thanks for your advice.
The router is upstairs in room directly above the tv (downstairs) -- too complicated for me to sort out ethernet cables etc.through two rooms, hall and upstairs.
Re. wifi/wireless -- even if I open the Advanced > WiFi tab it still has no options to follow that with ' followed by '5 GHz Wireless' as per Emily's instructions -- unless I'm missing something (quite possibly !).


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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Ah, the penny has dropped! If you are on ADSL then you probably have a 2704n (Plusnet Hub Zero) router. These are single band so you won't have a 5GHz band.

The wireless performance of these is very poor at the best of times. My advice is to go onto Ebay or another auction site and buy a BT Smarthub 6. You can get them for about £20. These are far superior. The setting up instructions are here

You need the FTTC model (most are). These are easily identified as they have four yellow LAN sockets on the back. The other FTTP model has a red WAN sticker fixed to one of the LAN sockets. If you want to go down this route and need more advice do come back here, there's many of us successfully using them.

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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc


Hi @Lighthouse


Just to confirm, you do have the Hub Zero, so won't have the facility to split out the frequencies - apologies for the confusion.


Having read your setup re: TV, if you do have an ethernet connection on the TV, have you considered looking at powerline adaptors? Could be a solution alongside the excellent advice you've already been given by @baldrick.


Best of luck getting this resolved.



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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc


If you are thinking of Powerline units this may be of interest I produced it after having buffering problems using these devices. In the end I took the hit and wired the house in Ethernet cable. I have never since had a problem.

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Registered: ‎31-03-2018

Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Baldrick and RandallFlagg, thank you for all your advice and suggestions. I won't be looking at powerlines (since we are looking to move house in the next few months) but I am going to buy a BT SmartHub6 and try that.

Another problem has arisen since I was last here. Every now and then when trying to open a link I ma confronted with this:

The account has no invoice in Failed Billing


but I am fully paid up and not in debt to Plusnet. 
I note that other customers are experiencing similar problems.
Any suggestions/advice ?


Posts: 22
Registered: ‎31-03-2018

Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Looking through the forum I can see that this issue is not at all uncommon. I can also see that it is often happening at same time as people experiencing bad redirects and connection issues (like me and our son). I know our account and our payments are up to date because we pay by DD and our account is in credit. Our next bill isnt due until 5th March.

We've been with Plusnet with years (8 or 9 ?) mostly without any problems but more recently had all sorts of dropped connections etc ---- so is my son (same ADSL package but on other side of town) so I know these difficulties are not just down within this property and this account. A few days ago I applied to move to Fibre Broadband but if this mess isnt sorted out quickly, I shall cancel the contract and move to another provider.

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Re: problems with connection speed, drops on mobiles, TV etc

Sorry to hear this.

Can you switch your router off for 65 minutes letting us know how it goes?

This should sort out the issue regarding the "no invoice in failed billing" you're seeing. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi