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infinity £10 per month ?

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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

infinity £10 per month ?

Ive read elsewhere about people getting the Infinity product from plusnet for £10 per month as a thankyou for taking part in the trial?
So - I as a customer of getting on for a decade now cant get infinity as I dont live in London or basically anywhere else that BT deem fit enough to roll out anything other than basic copper wires (99% of the land) - could not even volunteer for this trial,  Yet others who may or may not have been with the company for half the time I have are now getting infinity product at ridiculously low rate for taking part in a trial I couldnt even have been on even if Id wanted to?
Quite honestly - are you taking the ****?
If this turns out to be true, then Im off.  Ive been with plusnet nigh on ten years and I get to see relative new customers given treatment like that?
Posts: 2,349
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Having just found the FTTC trials part of the forum, it seems Ive answered my own question.  Yes, people who were on the trial have been offered a thankyou of remaining on the product without any increase in price.  Anyone else joining has to pay extra. and anyone else like me, a loyal customer of almost a decade who couldnt even get FTTC gets absolutely nothing.
Bye.  Thanks for the fish.
Posts: 14,469
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Such is life....some you win, some you lose - life is not fair and neither is broadband... You have been on this for long enough to know this is how things are sometimes.
Some people got broadband before others... some got ADSL Max before others, some got 21CN/ADSL2+ before others.... Some people cannot get broadband at all... That is how broadband is.
Before I was able to get FTTC I was on a 1.5Mbs line for over 5 years yet other people could get 7Mbs and I still had the pay the same as they did. That was not fair but I accepted it as there was nothing I could do about it (short of moving closer to the exchange).
Some people on the trial had problems, some lost their broadband for periods of time, some had problems with the VDSL2 modem... Only by doing a trial can BT and Plusnet iron out the problems. Being a trialist was a risk and to offset that risk, and as a thankyou for helping them,  PN have allowed those on the trial to stay on their current product. When the new FTTC products are released and I wanted to change packages I would need to move to an FTTC product and pay the higher cost.
Get over it.
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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Obviously FTTC doesn't cost any more than CTTC (Copper To The Cabinet), as all the infrastructure is in place.
In a couple of years Plusnet won't be making people pay extra, in the same way as ADSL2+ is presently being offered to anyone on the 8Mbps scheme.
It looks bad if the average speed obtained by Plusnet customers is substantially lower than that achieved by some other purveyor.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Wow, so all the cabs round the country don't need to be upgraded for FTTC, as all the infrastructure is in place?  What are they waiting for then!  I want my FTTC now!
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Barry, we've now emailed BT and requested your exchange be put at the bottom of the list. They said they are more than happy to do this once we mentioned your name. Smiley
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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Quote from: chesterfield
a loyal customer of almost a decade who couldnt even get FTTC gets absolutely nothing.

Loyalty is not rewarded by this company, there are exceptions, but not this one, especially under BT ownership.
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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Quote from: Joanne
Barry, we've now emailed BT and requested your exchange be put at the bottom of the list. They said they are more than happy to do this once we mentioned your name. Smiley

It's Cab 15 on THSL exchange.  I'll send you cheese if you can get it prioritised Wink
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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Quote from: chesterfield
Quite honestly - are you taking the ****?

There speaks someone who's never taken part in a product trial with all the effort & risk involved.
Toys, pram.  Crazy
Please leave, we'll be glad for you to go and behave like a spoiled brat somewhere else.  Cool
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎19-07-2007

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

In a way I can see the guys point, in another way, I can't.  £10/month on Fibre will give you 10Gb bandwidth per month, you could burn through that in a few seconds and then be rate limited to 128k for the rest of the month so you'd probably want to switch to a different package, the 60Gb one, although for a lot of users, 60Gb isn't enough, especially when you have a guaranteed rate of 12Mb so the majority of people will want to switch to the new fibre packages anyhow.
On the other hand, I don't want to change package, I'm happy with my current plan (Premier Option 1) and would happily stick with it and pay an extra £13/month to have it upgraded to Fibre when my exchange gets upgraded (soonish, hopefully in the next several months).  I do feel it's unfair to force people to change products simply because the postcode lottery tends to pick the same people.
With that in mind, when my exchange does get upgraded I'll be shopping around to get the best deal possible, currently looking at Eclipse who do 24/7 unthrottled, 100Gb and off peak hours of 11pm - 9am.  It's not because I'm unhappy with PlusNet, far from it, PlusNet rocks, but if I have to change my package I may as well shop around to get the best possible deal, and an ISP that doesn't throttle is a really huge carrot.
Quick edit - PlusNet are not on this list...
Well, they are but without a link.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Quote from: David
PlusNet are not on this list...
Well, they are but without a link.

Probably because we're still operating the trial but not an official product yet.
Jojo Smiley
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Quote from: HPsauce
There speaks someone who's never taken part in a product trial with all the effort & risk involved.

Actually Ive taken part in many trials.  Ive also benefited from trials too.  Though what I do not agree with is providing customers with ongoing benefit after a trial which long term customers could never have benefited from even if they had wished to take part in such a trial.
Quote from: HPsauce
Toys, pram.  Crazy

No - just pointing out that as a long term customer I feel it unfair to provide benefits for either brand new customers only, or to deny existing customers the same benefits becasue they were not able to accept a trial due to technical reasons that were beyond that customers control.
Quote from: HPsauce
Please leave, we'll be glad for you to go and behave like a spoiled brat somewhere else.  Cool

Don’t let that Bright Spark tag go to your head.  I’ve been here many a year and seen many a "bright spark" on this forum belittle others and be chastised for it.  It may interest you to know I’ve been a bright spark on this forum myself before.  Long before some of the existing bright sparks were even PN customers in all probability.
I gave the title up as I didn’t spend that much time here any more, a main reason for this being the condescending attitude shown in posts, much like yours.  The fact those running the community bestow such a title upon someone such as yourself who can insult me with your first response in my thread, assures me that I did the right thing in removing myself from being a regular contributor.
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Re: infinity £10 per month ?

I have some sympathy with Chesterfield here. Customers of a year or two or more who took part in the trials with it's inherent risks I can understand being allowed to continue without paying more. The fact that if they do ever need to change product they will then have to pay current prices makes that more acceptable.
The ones that get me are the ones who only migrated to Plusnet specifically to get cheap FTTC and who would not have joined Plusnet otherwise. That strikes me as pretty unfair!
Next time Plusnet I suggest you work out the pricing in advance, put people on to the new product with the new pricing and them give them a discount for the duration of the trial to take what they pay down to their current price.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 2,349
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

Pretty much sums it up - there are some FTTC customers now paying a tenner a month for life, for a product that suits them.  Yes if they need to change, then they will pay the going rate.
I'd have jumped at the chance to take part in a trial, and Id have jumped at the chance to take advantage of the pricing afterward.  Im local to PN and would have happily provided any form of feedback.  Ive even been to a meeting with PN in Sheffield in the past to discuss relationships between customers and the company and how things could be improved.  Anyone else remember that meeting back in 2008 I think it was?
Given Ive been on just about every product PN have sold at one point in time or another, I would have hoped to provide quality feedback for PN.  Alas, as the technology was not available I couldnt even ask to be considered for the trial.
Just to confirm, its not the actual cost that bothers me.  Its the principal behind it that I find annoying.  i.e. a long standing customer of about a decade now gets to pay twice as much for an "old" product as a new customer with a new product and PN think this is acceptable.  I'd quite happily pay the full price for the product, pay a couple of grand for the FTTC installation and even donate the same again to a charity of Plus Nets choice if I could get FTTC for doing so.
Posts: 56
Registered: ‎19-01-2010

Re: infinity £10 per month ?

I think Peter summed it up well.  How do we get onto Infinity? I can almost see the new Fiber cabinet but there is nothing on the website for my post code. Are Plusnet taking part in Infinity?