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Unstable internet

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎28-04-2020

Unstable internet


I have several people in the house with a total of perhaps 6 devices. The internet periodically stops working for one or more of the devices and sometimes doens't work for any of them. It seems that powering down and restarting the router fixes the problem. We aren't all simultaneously trying to stream video... and normally my connection is fast enough to support multiple users. Since two of us are working from home this issue is becoming a serious problem. Advice welcome.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 282
Fixes: 25
Registered: ‎08-04-2020

Re: Unstable internet



Welcome to forum.

I am sorry to hear about problems with  your broadband. I have tested your line and there is no fault so looks like issues you are having are down to wireless performance.

Can you please follow this guide and this? I can advise to split 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks and check if you will have same problems if devices will be connected to 2.4GHz network only.

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎09-06-2020

Re: Unstable internet

I am having the same unstable connection problems. Mine seems to be worse, because in addition to the internet service interruption for several minutes, i also get disconnected from internet sometimes when I submit web pages or click on links on web pages. This is highly frustrating to say the least.  This has gotten extremely worse in the last couple of weeks.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,359
Fixes: 86
Registered: ‎24-04-2017

Re: Unstable internet

Hi @ojames and welcome to the Community Forums.

I'm sorry to hear you're having connection issues as of recent.Checking from this side everything is looking spot on to the router with no signs of drops in the last 19 days and 39.9Mbps download and8.3Mbps upload getting to the router with no hints to an underlying issue. Can I ask then, are the drops and issues you're seeing solely occurring on wireless devices? I ask as wireless interference could explain why we are seeing everything fine to the router but you're having issues getting that same performance to your wireless devices potentially.
If so, I'd advise following the steps below on how best to optimise your wireless settings to best suit your property which should hopefully help moving forwards.

The guide below will show you how to log into the router and change the wireless channel as it's usually another router in the area on the same or similar channel that will be causing issues for both wireless frequencies. Before picking a channel I'd suggest downloading a free app called wifi analyzer which will scan your area for all the routers and show what channels they are on between 1-13. Although the above app isn't essential it helps you pick where your router would be best in terms of channels and saves a lot of time doing it via trial and error.

1) To connect to your Hub One, you will need to open a browser and go to If you have any issues doing this via Wireless, we recommend trying to do it via Ethernet cable instead.

2) You should come to a page with information about your connection, click 'Advanced Settings' at the top and it will ask you to sign in with a Password. This is located on the back of your router under 'Admin Password'

3) Select the option for 'Wireless' followed by '5 GHz Wireless'. What we want to do to begin with is turn 'Sync with 2.4 GHz Wireless' to 'Off' and update the SSID to be different. The easiest way would be to add '-5G' to the end so it is identified as its own connection. Once this is changed, we will need to keep an eye on it for a day or 2 to see if the issue continues. If it does, the next step would be to change the wireless channel. Keeping in mind the original 2.4Ghz unchanged name network connection would be the best to connect your devices to for a stronger signal.
(When deciding which device goes on what frequency keep in mind that the 5GHz is designed for close range stationary devices and standard 2.4GHz the one which gets the wireless around your property further.)

4) Following the above guide to get to your 'Advanced Settings' page, you will need to change the settings within the 2.4 GHz Wireless tab and the 5 GHz Wireless tab.

5) Under the correct heading, you will need to find 'Channel Selection' on the list and change this from 'Automatic' to any one of the other channels, This can also need doing under '5 GHz Wireless' to cover both signals. Give it 3-4 hours of testing to see if the issue still persists and try to change the channel again if you see little or no improvement.

Let us know how it goes.