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Speed rant

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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Speed rant

I am getting sick and tired of poor speeds varying all over the place. Live in the sticks of Norfolk, not expecting much but getting very peed off with the situation. Any time there is a storm or a strong breeze we lose the line, phone obviously also and takes Openreach days to sort it. We appear to be connected to the end of two bits of wet string and not considered worth looking after.


All today download speed has been its usual 1.5mbps to 2mbps ,measured by Speedtest. As for upload been around 0 03 all day pointless trying to use the net. Ive tried a second modem today all the same result. Done the usual guff am suggested ie connect straight in the Openreach Master Socket, 5C.bypassing the front faceplate, all to no avail.

Openreach really ought to get their priorities in order a lot of the time when using the phone it sounds like someone frying eggs on it.


Rant over going to have another beer and sod the internet.

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Re: Speed rant


If you are getting noise on your line you need to report a phone, not internet fault. You will never get a decent broadband signal until that is sorted.

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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Totally agree that the phoneline is the problem. Have lost count over number of times has been reported. Each time it

results in an Openreach visit where they test for noise and usually state " Hmm it is noisy isn't it ". They attach their gear disappear for a while and return stating this tree, that tree was causing it or more lately water causing it.

Would be nice if they spent some money fixing it once and for all, must pay them in the long run to avoid all these visits.

Just done a Speedtest and download is 2.89Mbps/ somewhat higher than usual, and upload is 0.58Mbps. this is quite often the figures obtained. Why yesterday's upload was so poor is anybodies guess as surely a noisy line would just not affect upload speed and why should the problem suddenly go away.

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Re: Speed rant


Broadband signals consist of simultaneous multiple different frequencies over a wide range, hence a broad band of frequencies. The frequencies are arranged in groups, some groups are used for upload data and some for download. There are more download frequencies than upload hence the difference in upload and download speed.

As well as having noise from a poor connection on your line it's possible for you to pick up electrical interference anywhere  between equipment in your home right back to the exchange. It's possible that this interference only covers a small range of frequencies. If this is the same range as one of the upload frequency groups then you will lose upload speed whilst download is unaffected.

I'm not claiming that this is happening, just giving an example of how it can occur.

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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Speed rant

Hi @bogart99, thanks for getting in touch and I'm sorry to hear you're having broadband issues as of recent. I can see when checking over your account and seen from the graph below that there's certainly been an underlying issue recently given the amount of drops in connection we can see. The last 48 hours however look to have been a lot better with only 1 drop (a further drop caused by myself when testing a little earlier).

Looking into your connection a little further and shown by the graph below we can see 3.2Mbps download getting to your router with very little in terms of errors currently effecting your line currently.

xDSL Status Check
Circuit ID: [redacted] Service ID: [redacted]
Telephone NO.: NA Test Executed On: 27-02-2020 17:33:01
xDSL Status Test Summary
Sync Status: Circuit In Sync
General Information
NTE Status:   NTE Power Status: PowerOn Bypass Status:  
  Upstream DSL Link Information Downstream DSL Link Information
Loop Loss: 31.7 53.0
SNR Margin: 11.0 12.0
Errored Seconds: 0 1
HEC Errors: 0  
Cell Count: 283179 897926
Speed: 672 3296
Maximum Stable Rate (KBPS): 3424 Fault Threshold Rate (KBPS): 2739
Mean Time Between Retrains (Seconds): 86400 Mean Time Between Errors Upstream (Seconds): 86400
Indicative Line Quality: G Mean Time Between Errors Downstream (Seconds): 635
Custom Thresholds

I believe then looking at the connection graph and your current connection details that what ever was out of place causing the numerous drops until Monday afternoon onwards look to have been resolved/subsided. Can I ask then, is there noise still occurring on your line? If so, or if you start to see the connection dropping and performance impacted again to go ahead and raise a fault here.
Let us know how it goes.

Posts: 38
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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Not sure where you got 3.2Mbps from only once have I recorded over 3. currently is showing 2.38 download and a massive 0.03 upload. Line is very noisy to say the least. As stated before every time I have this problem ends up Openreach turning up, some improvement they disappear whilst I await the problem to return which it does without fail. Might as well be living on the moon!

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Speed rant

Hi @bogart99, thanks for getting back to us. We do usually see a small chunk of speed lost from the sync speed that's getting to the router to your devices speed however there could be a few things behind this. Depending on how you're connecting to the router could determine how much of this speed is lost. If you're not already then I'd recommend running your speed tests on a wired connection as to eliminate wireless interference as the cause of some speed loss. The other thing that comes to mind that can often give skewed speed test results is if other devices/applications are using the connection at the time of testing. This can be anything from a antivirus updating you may not be aware of to an app on a mobile checking for updates etc... If possible then I'd recommend making sure no other devices are using the connection when checking your speeds.

Ultimately, as you're hearing noise on your line then I can only advise going through the link above and getting a fault raised so we can look to resolve this for you. I can appreciate the frustration of returning issues however unfortunately longer lines are more prone to faults and interference. This is due to there just being more line available for faults to occur on whilst also longer lines being more susceptible to interference and errors due to the pure length also. If you can please let us know once you've reported the fault then we'll do everything we can to help progress this for you further.

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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Talk about a rant. Have just spent 10 minutes typing my latest reply for the thing to lose the connection before I could send it.

Hopefully might get this time to manage it.

Right logged a call for an Openreach guy to attend which he did yesterday. After being here and out and about for a couple of hours returns back here to say " I have swapped your line over at the cabinet" and you now have a download of 4Mbps. So off he goes and yes the download has improved to about 3.7Mbps but the upload is  still dire at 0.03, which one of your people said did not matter, not sure on what criterion that is based!  So I ring up and told you cannot do anything until you have the Openreach report which he must provide within 24 hours and you would then ring me.  Throughout today the upload gradually increased and was steady at about 0.55Mbps so accepted that as okay better than before. So as the afternoon progresses upload suddenly nosedives back to its previous value. Still awaiting the phonecall I was promised regarding the engineers report. So I ring up again.  Told he had reported fault fixed, but if not needed more investigation well does not need brain of Britain to come to that conclusion. So I say nothing has improved get someone out again. Sorry the sytem will not allow me to do that at this time. What sort of system do you operate? Was like talking to an automaton I kept saying we need another visit only to be told I cannot do it. Well find someone who can was my reply, why did I waste my breath is pointless. So no improvement is a pathetic state of affairs. So I said on the phone call do not expect me to pay any money for a virtually none existant service. Having just lifted up my phone handset the noise on the line is unbelieveable. Somewhere there is a major problem but noboys seems to give a damn about it. So I repeat am nor stopping my DD as I do not see why I should be paying money for something I am not receiving!!!

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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Finally got another Openreach appopintment sorted. Blood out of a stone seems apt. As bad as ever now as the download has reverted to its usual 2 Mbps scenario. Nobody gives a monkeys about my performance. Maybe if I was a Royal, well non royal now, like H&M  fingers might be pulled out of orifices. Dream on Boris! 15Mbps for everybody dream on you deluded halfwit.

Looking for other providers though all look as bad as one another.

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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Is still intermittent lost if for at least over 3 hours yesterday, was not in all day. No interenet from at least 16.30 till gone 20.00

This morning on getting up no internet just suddenly appears at 09.30

Getting beyond a joke now.

Spoke to a representative yesterday afternoon to just let him know about the loss of internet.

He eluded to the fact I should have been receiving phone calls after every fault, was in fact promised one earlier this week still awaiting my first one. Also he said I should have received recompense for the loss of service that is a new one to me. Ever since joining Plusnet have not received one penny even though the system has been useless basically for years.

If tomorrow the visit form Openreach makes no difference I may well resort to contacting Ofcom.

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Re: Speed rant

Hiya @bogart99, I am really sorry for the issues you've had with your service and the lack of updates you have received.


I have taken ownership of your fault ticket and we will see how things go tomorrow for you. Once resolved we will get your refund issued for the fault duration as well as look at a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience caused.

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 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Speed rant

Might have to start my rant all over again. Storm the other night and as usual internet dire. Downloads now of 0.45 to 0.65Mbps and uploads of 0.7 to 0.75Mbps. Not sure how the higher uploads works but have had before. So will be kicking the whole thing off again a nd in about 2 weeks might be back to my blistering 3.5Mbps download.
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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant

Currently on the phone, very noisy line also, to CS who have told me they only guarantee me 0.2Mbps, first time ever told that. Hell 0.2Mbps we are in 2020 not 1820!
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Speed rant

Hi @bogart99, I can see a colleague has made some changes to the line when you spoke Friday. This looks to have stabilised the line as per the graph below:



I'm also seeing a sync speed of 3.9mb/s download, 0.6mb/s upload. Let us know if this changes at all.

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 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Re: Speed rant



Seems to have settled down over the weekend. Mind you we have been here before.Still does not account for why in the space of 10 minutes on the evening of the 27th when I tested the line speed I got a download of 0.65Mbps. PLus the actual phone line is still as noisy as it was then so I am not confident things will stay as they are.