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SNR too low

Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎16-10-2018

SNR too low



I've been in contact twice now to ask that you set my SNR to a minimum of 6dB (Downstream). Both times DLM has put me back on 3dB almost immediately. Because of this the (terrible) router is not holding sync at busy times on the network eg. Saturdays, 00:20 on New Years Eve etc.


I've been left with no choice but to seek a reliable service elsewhere and will be leaving at the end of my contract in a few weeks.


This was entirely avoidable, but my decision is now irreversible.



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: SNR too low

Hi @Deesoh


Thanks for getting in touch - I'm sorry to hear that you've chosen to leave us.


Just to confirm, are you aware that the DLM software that you've referenced belongs to BT Wholesale and is part of the line which provides your service, rather than being a component of a specific Internet Service Provider?


Although we can request a change to the SnR margin (via BTW), the DLM software will always change depending on the status of your line - that is what it is designed to do. Unfortunately, in this instance it appears to have been dropping the SnR lower than expected.


I mention this purely on the basis that you should expect the line and DLM to behave in exactly the same way should you move to another provider that uses the BTW infrastructure.


All the best with your new provider - if there's anything else you need, please just drop us a line.


Best wishes



Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎16-10-2018

Re: SNR too low

Just to confirm, are you aware that the DLM software that you've referenced belongs to BT Wholesale and is part of the line which provides your service, rather than being a component of a specific Internet Service Provider?


What you're saying is incorrect, I'm afraid.Talk Talk DLM is provided by ASSIA (not BT). Obviously this was an honest mistake, because you would never deliberately lie to a customer, but it really goes to highlight my point about the service at this company. Further to this point, I see that I am now on a 9dB profile after asking for 6dB. I won't ask how that happened. Clearly the numbers 6 and 9 look very alike, it's another honest mistake which anyone could have made. I know you'd never deliberately put me on a 9dB profile when I've asked for 6dB on three separate occasions. That would be incredibly petty and smallminded, so it's just as well!

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Re: SNR too low

Apologies for any confusion caused by my previous colleague's response.

As you've mentioned you are currently on a 9db target so I've requested that your line is moved onto a 6db one.

This should go through in the next 15 minutes or so.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help with

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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: SNR too low

Well that lasted all of five minutes. Has Randall been at my settings again? Thanks for doing me proud!


Plusnet Help Team
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Re: SNR too low


Hi @Deesoh, I'm sorry that it had increased again, there was a number of connection drops yesterday evening and early hours of this morning.


I've placed a reset for you so it should be back to 6dB soon.

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 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎16-10-2018

Re: SNR too low

I was being mostly facetious that time. I can live with a 9dB profile for the next 5 days. I can only surmise that a large part of the problem is the router, which drops sync if someone even sneezes too close to it. I had my internal wiring completely redone, as one of the first things I did to try and fix the sync drops was plug into the test socket. Because the disconnections stopped, I tried it in the NTE5 faceplate and it was fine in there too, leading me to think the issue was with the parallel extension going into the living room. When the disconnections started up again with everything redone and the router back in the CW1308 extension, I realised belatedly that the router was dropping sync when it was near other electrical equipment. I isolated the router, placing it in a different room and enjoyed 2 whole weeks of uninterrupted sync. But now its dropping sync again and I can only suppose that its just not a very good router. Unfortunately I got a series of drops during an important video call, which is why I was crotchety in my earlier posts, and for which I apologise. 


I will say though, that's it's quite odd that I've been on a 3dB profile for weeks, then as soon as I get put on 6, it goes to 9 almost straight away, but didn't go up to 6 when I was on 3, despite there being frequent disconnections.


One of life's small mysteries.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Post released from Spam Filter.