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SNR reset please?

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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

SNR reset please?

Would a kind member of the team reset my line please? The DLM appears to have banded it, possibly due to a router reset, followed a couple of hours later by a power interruption. I'm still synching slower than I would expect, after a thorough investigation by Plusnet - I've had two engineers out to my house, and they've confirmed that the connection into the house, and inside the house is spotless, and tests from your side have found no fault. Looks like I may just have to except slower speeds until Plusnet rolls out FTTP! I just want to start the line from scratch - now the router has been reset, and hopefully no more power cuts - and see if it performs any better than previously.
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Re: SNR reset please?

Hiya @AMC1973,


I have checked the connection from our side and the line is not banded as the profile shows up to 40Mbps as well as the speed being 33Mbps going down the line.


What is the speed you are seeing on a wired connection?

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: SNR reset please?

Hi Sammy,

Thanks for the reply,

My throughput is almost always excellent - in the context of my sync speed (see below). Over wireless, my download is always a meg or two below my sync speed - can't complain about that! After having a fault cleared on my line, and being told that my line is in excellent shape, it's just a bit frustrating that I'm synching at 33 rather than the 38 I'd gotten used to. I would just love to know why my line only seems comfortable at a noise margin of 9, when it used to be happy at 6. Still, if you're sure I'm not banded, I'll take your word for it. Would you still be kind enough to reset my line? If it drops back down to 33, I'll humbly except defeat, and live with my new slower speed - until PN goes FTTP!

Thank you kindly


5. DSL uptime: 0 days, 10:43:28
6. Data rate: 7834 / 33478
7. Maximum data rate: 7834 / 42202
8. Noise margin: 6.0 / 9.2
9. Line attenuation: 31.3 / 22.2
10. Signal attenuation: 30.8 / 20.5
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Re: SNR reset please?

@AMC1973  From those stats I would definitely say the line is banded at 35Mbps. You could try a single reboot of the router, if it comes back at the same sync speed it's banded.

@SammyM  Have you possibly looked at an out of date profile from a GEA test because the router shows almost certain symptoms of banding, why else would the SNRM be 9dB?

Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

Re: SNR reset please?

Thanks RealAleMadrid,

Tried the reboot router a few days ago, no difference; I always try this whenever I suspect banding - and it always turns out to be banding. Had two Openreach guys out, they couldn't locate a problem. My fault ticket is due to close soon. I'm no closer to establishing why my "excellent" line (three green stripes on the Openreach guys scanner!) keeps getting banded to 35mbps. Sammy, didn't you confirm my line wasn't banded? Are you sure? If it is, that suggests my line is unstable; if that's the case, surely my line wouldn't keep passing GEA tests with (almost) flying colours. Something is going wrong somewhere. This is why I want a line reset; then I can monitor the situation, see if the DLM bands my line again. If it does, then I know there must be an issue somewhere.


Rising Star
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Re: SNR reset please?

Interesting... I have exactly the same issue; a much higher downstream SNRM than I would expect and a good connection after an OpenReach engineer checked it.

I have been an Plusnet customer for quite a while and for long periods my downstream SNRM was in the range 5.5 to 6.5 dB with significantly better speeds. It feels to me like the SNRM is being manipulated to throttle speeds. Plusnet deny this and I have no reason to doubt them. Is it OpenReach playing around I wonder.


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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

Re: SNR reset please?

Hi Bob,

Sorry to here you're in the same boat. Yeah, it's really frustrating; my router makes it quite clear what I'm capable of achieving - and that seems spot on, when I look at the BT Broadband Availability Checker. I have a clean, impact free line, my router shows my max sync at 42, as you can see, that's slightly nearer the low end, but I'm almost 10mbps below that! The fact is, as RealAleMadrid pointed out, my 9dB SNRM is a clear sign of banding. To be honest, I think in both our cases, there is an issue, either in the DP, the cabinet or the exchange - obviously not at our end. Like you, I find it difficult to believe that we can have long periods of downstream SNRM at 6, then suddenly up to 9.

I shall carry on pushing till I get this sorted.

Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Handback
WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability Date Left in Jumper
High Low High Low        
VDSL Range A (Clean) help 50.5 35 10 7 32.4 Available Available --
VDSL Range B (Impacted) help 49 32.4 9.8 6.5 27.4 Available Available --
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install Process
WBC FTTP Upto 1000 Upto 220 -- Available 1 Stage
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) ADSL Availability Date Left in Jumper
WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 5 -- 4 to 6 Available Yes
WBC ADSL2+ Annex M Up to 5 Up to 1 4 to 6 Available Yes
ADSL Max Up to 4 -- 2.5 to 7 Available --
WBC Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available Yes
Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available --
SOADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) WBC SOADSL Availability Date Left in Jumper
WBC SOADSL 2+ Up to 5 -- 4 to 6 -- Yes
SOADSL Max Up to 4 -- 4 to 6 -- --
SOADSL Fixed Rate Up to 2 -- 2.5 to 7 -- Yes
Observed Speeds VDSL ADSL
Max Observed Downstream Speed 34.99 7.35
Max Observed Upstream Speed 7.87 1.08
Observed Date 2022-03-03 2020-12-14
Other Offerings Availability Date
VDSL Multicast Available
ADSL Multicast Available
Premise Environment Status
Bridge Tap U
NTE FacePlate N
Last Test Date 18-02-2022
Exchange Product Restrictions Status
FTTP Priority Exchange N
WLR Withdrawal N
SOADSL Restriction Y
Community Gaffer
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Re: SNR reset please?

Hi @AMC1973

I'm really sorry for the confusion.

I've done some digging and I can see as of yesterday the banding on your line is showing as "Downstream: 0.128M-35M with Retransmission (Low). Upstream: 0.128M-10M with no error protection" and a sync speed of 34998. Interestingly, your router stats is showing a sync of 33478, so it doesn't actually appear to be banded. 

I've however added to the caution counter reset tracker to request the banding is lifted for your line, which should go through within the next 3 working days. Let me know how it goes. 


@BobR1, I'm aware of your connection issues and someone should be getting in touch with you shortly about them.

I would like to say though that there isn't anybody at Plusnet or Openreach who throttles your speeds. 

I haven't arranged for your line to be reset, because you are already on the highest profile "Downstream: 0.128M-80M with Retransmission (Low). Upstream: 0.128M-20M with no error protection"

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

Re: SNR reset please?

Hi @Gandalf,

Thanks very much, I appreciate that,

Actually, my router was syncing at 34998, but overnight the DLM dropped it slightly to 33478. I'm not certain, but it's my understanding that within banding, the sync speed can move down slightly - as mine did - but the noise margin remains the same.

Anyway, thanks again, and I'll keep you posted.

Rising Star
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Re: SNR reset please?


I note your comments but the fact remains that the downstream SNRM on my connection has been running at a higher level than was the case in the past and so the speed is reduced. I would be delighted to park this issue and move on if someone would simply provide a straight forward explanation of that changed circumstance.


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Re: SNR reset please?

Hi @AMC1973 

No problem, aye keep me posted on how it goes.



It's hard to provide an explanation, because our tests aren't showing any causes for this.

We've already arranged an engineer to check things out from their side but it looks like they've not been able to figure it out either and have been unable to investigate further as your speeds are within expectations. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

Re: SNR reset please?

Hi @Gandalf 

It looks like the reset went through a 9am - that was quick! Out of curiosity, I decided to take a look through my routers event log - to see if the DLM had touched my line in the early hours, and it had. As you can see, it reduced my downstream further, from 33 to 31!
02:21:57, 10 Mar. (482441.130000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=31008Kbps, Up Rate=7856Kbps; SNR Margin Down=10.1dB, Up=5.9dB
There's a clear pattern here; after my line is reset, my downstream is 38181, a day or two later, the DLM then bands my line to 35, two or three days later, down to 33; a couple more days late, down to 31, and so it goes on. I think we can both agree, that is not what you'd expect from a good line, but it is what you'd expect from a significantly unstable line - or a connection that has a fault lying on it somewhere. As you know, GEA tests from your end show no fault, but do show my downstream to be 'reasonable', when it should be 'good'. Openreach have twice confirmed that everything is in top condition at my end. I have noticed a couple of oddities that may offer some insight - although they probably don't - I'll run them by you anyway. The maximum data rate on my router fluctuates somewhat - anywhere between 42600 and 38100. Is that normal? Just a few months ago it would drop right down to 33000, and always after 3pm. It hasn't dropped below 38 for months now though. Is it normal for a max sync speed to fluctuate? Could this be linked to the following point? That point being, ever since I've had this slow sync issue, I've never been able to 'Run Diagnostic' on the BT Wholesale speed test (see below). Could either of these issues be evidence of a fault? Is my hub one somehow to blame? Do I need a new router? Am I clutching at straws? I shall monitor my router over the next couple of weeks, My guess is, in two weeks time, my downstream will be 31000, and a 10dB SNRM. Hopefully I'll be wrong...
Summary of Performance Test
Thursday 10 March 2022 | 11:54:39
15 Ms
35.30 Mbps
8.04 Mbps
Advance Test
Download Test
Download speed achieved during the test was 35.30 Mbps
Upload Test
Upload speed achieved during the test was 8.04 Mbps
Summary Advanced Test

Your speed test has completed and the results are shown above, however during the test an error occurred while trying to retrieve additional details regarding your service. As a result we are unable to determine if the speed you received during the test is acceptable for your service. Please re-run the test if you require this additional information.

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Re: SNR reset please?

Hi @AMC1973

Thanks for the insight!

I'd personally take "Downstream Rate Assessment" on a GEA test with a pinch of salt as a more advanced diagnostics tool we have also shows the line's in good condition over the last week, albeit the data is back from the <8th March.

I agree with what you've said and I don't think it's normal for your speeds to fluctuate like that.

It's tricky because with FTTP available, engineers may not be too inclined to do any major work on the copper infrastructure, but if your speed drops further I'd say we should replace the router as the next step, and if you still have issues, depending how much your speeds drop by, it may be worth calling out an engineer to take another stab at the problem. 

On the FTTP front, it's in our sights and the good news is that the finish line may be near... I can't give a date though.

Let me know how things go over the next week or so. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Community Gaffer
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Re: SNR reset please?

I went to the effort of taking a screenshot of the diagnostics tool and blurring out account details then forgot to attach it.

Here you go Smiley


From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎08-04-2021

Re: SNR reset please?

Thanks @Gandalf 

I do agree with you, and I take your point about engineers not being inclined to get their hands dirty on the copper infrastructure. I'm starting to suspect the router, it certainly handles the WiFi brilliantly, but as you say, the max speed fluctuations are suspect.

I must admit, I don't see much point in calling out another engineer to the house, there's no reason to believe another engineer is going to find a problem, when two others haven't.

Great news about FTTP though - the sooner the better! I've already had to listen to my neighbour, boasting about his 500mbps! I can get just over 35 at the minute over wireless, can't complain about that - if only it would stay that way! And yes, I'll look at replacing the router as the next step if speeds drop again.

Cheers for the info