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Routerstats data-oh dear!

Posts: 12,616
Thanks: 582
Fixes: 20
Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

You should have received instructions to try an alternate router (if possible) and to try the test socket, if possible.
After that, you should have got a threatening email whereby they offer to send out a BT engineer, but that if
your internal wiring or your equipment is faulty then you will be charged a huge amount of money.
[£144 + VAT - or something of that order].
Comms faults don't seem to be handled much at the weekend.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Just a note to say that PN have the OR engineer booked (again) for Monday afternoon-I'll let you know what happens. I can't fault customer services-they don't give up on these issues! As for Openreach......
Crucibleofevil!: I'm WAY past the test socket stage. I've been in the test socket for most of the last 3 months. I've tried 3 routers, removed the ring wire, had 4 openreach visits so far, BTE5 plate fitted etc etc. It's s very long story, which I hope can be resolved soon.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Hi Steve,
Looks like Faults were working on your ticket just before you posted in here.
I can see yu have a further engineer on Monday - Good luck.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

OK, Steam is coming out of my ears now!!
Monday's visit? Never happened (i took time off work to be at home). Apparently some work was done at the exchange instead (without informing me) and when I chased up CSC, they said another engineer would be at the exchange today (Wed), as more work was required there. OK I thought, maybe we're getting somewhere. Oh no....
9.30am today-engineer turns up at my home, saying the ISP (that's PN) "refused" to change anything at the exchange and he would just perform the usual test on the connection (which he did), they showed good connection speed in the 2 FIVE MINUTE periods he tested, then he did the PAT test on the line, which passed (YAWN!-been there, done that), and left! Good job I work from homje on Wednesdays-PN told me I would not have a home visit today!
So what is going on? Is "buck-passing" the general issue? Meanwhile, I have a crappy 250K D/L, and an open ticket since May. Some recent routerstats attached...

Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Wow!  Interested to hear that the knowledgeable engineer knows about the staff that we have working at the exchanges.
Oh wait, that's BT OpenReach, not us.
I'll try and see if I can decipher any of the nonsense coming from the engineers notes and get back to you.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

...OH and in case you think my line is stable overnight and only drops during the day:
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Hi Steve,
Certainly seeing connection drops at all times of the day.
I've called BT but I'm unable to get the notes from the engineer visit until after 1pm.  I'll call then and get an update for you.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Any news from Openreach? No reply on my ticket or from James-there must be some head scratching going on....
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Any developments? No ticket update, no word from James as yet.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Steve - Sincere apologies for not picking this up yesterday.
I'm currently on hold with BT after a ten minute argument of what an SFI engineer should and should not do.
Getting angrier Sad
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Steve - Have you got a mobile or work number I can contact you on to discuss the latest on your fault please?
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

Hi James,
I've PM'ed you with my work number
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

I've spoken with the ever helpful James!
Guess what-BT say that I don't have a dropping connection! That's great news, especually since according to PN monitoring records (backed up by my own Routerstats data) I've had 57 line drops in 7 days! They reckon it's something to do with packet loss and are investigating this possibility. I imagine james had a tough time keeping a straight face on the phone to BT.
At least it's gone up the chain in BT-maybe they'll eventually work something out!
Updates will follow..
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

The guy actually started getting quite angry with me when I pointed out that your connection was physically dropping.
Hopefully we'll have some better news soon.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎06-10-2007

Re: Routerstats data-oh dear!

After a slightly more stable period between Thursday and Friday, James and I agreed to let things run over the weekend to see if drops were less frequent. BT had acknowledged that I did, after all, have a dropping connection (DUH!).
Unfortunately, there have been 19 drops since Friday at 1pm and my BT IP profile is stuck at 250K. Looks like I'll be seeing another engineer (lucky number 7) this week. I've noticed that although I have some very noisy periods on my line, these do not always lead to a drop-sometimes the SNR is stable, and a drop happens anyway.