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Network Issues??

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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Network Issues??

I have recently noticed alot of lagginess in the PlusNet service, whcih has been mirrored in some other topics. Browsing appears resonable, sometimes a little laggy, but Speedtests are all over the place. I used to have a very stable 4.7-4.8Meg on speedtests on a 5Mb profile. Tried swapping pipes etc etc, and Exchange is green.  This only appears to have happened recently.  My Broadband Speed struggles to move past 1000, then suddently shoots up to 3500, then drops, and then suddenly shoots up sometimes to around 4700. Seems terribly stuttery.  I have dome nothing to my network, and have a filtered faceplate. Is there any issue with the network at all?Huh
Edit.  THe RIN connection is also the same. Tried downloading something from microsoft, and speeds are around 250ish rather then the usual 530kbps
Posts: 4,729
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Think yourself lucky, this is my dads connection tonight;
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Hi Chilly
Whats your dads normal connection speed etc.  I very much doubt this is a problem in my setup, as nothing at all has changed.  Sync Speed is very stable and consistent.  Would welcome any comments from Comms.  Even my ping has gone from its usual 60-70 to over 160.  Sounds like something is up, surely this is not just general contention.  I was on THN-AG3 by the way, and appears there is no packet drop from the current graph, now still using RIN.
Posts: 4,729
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Network Issues??

I am not sure what is up with Dads.
But yours looks a little like exchange contention. OK, the exchange may not `red` that just means that BT have not acknowledged that there is a problem, and all the systems updated.
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Thanks Chilly.
Blackburn Exchange has shown green for ages, but its not beyond possibility that a few VPs are red.
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Network Issues??

I had occasion to raise tickets about this recently.
I had a 24hr data rate of 1400kbps (BRAS 6500bps),
I don't know what PN did - but a router reboot gave me my speed back.
My exchange is reputably going 21CN in about 2 weeks - coincidence?

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Network Issues??

I have raised a ticket regards this last night, to see if anything shows up. My Exchange is going 21CN in October. Do you think this has any effect on this.  Its so odd, speeds are there most of the time, but lagginess is very apparant. Seems worse on the RIN network at the min. Tried the BT excuse for a speed tester, and get the IP profile which is correct at 5000, but the tester always stalls at 96% for some reason, so never get an actual throughout from this tester.
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Network Issues??

I bet you and the speedtester have the same problem that I do.
Just after it tells you your profile, it also displays some guff about a Java security error,
it then proceeds to run it's progress bar up to 96%, before freezing.
It always happens to me  Angry Angry Angry

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Network Issues??

well why dont you update your Java?, I have noticed that is a mucky program, leaves all the previous update files,  have to manually remove them,  Last time I removed the lot and renistalled from scratch
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Re: Network Issues??

I will try completely uninstalling Java, and reinstalling from stratch, see if that gets anywhere.  Just appear to have had the standard reply back from CSC, about changing my filters, rebooting router, checking for interference, even though my ticket stated I have a filtered faceplate, Cat5E cable going to the router. nothing has touched this, as its all hidden away. 1st thing I tried was rebooting the router.  I am beginning to suspect that this is an exchange issue, as absolutley nothing has changed in my setup, and the Plus Network seems fine. It happened so suddenly though, and appears other people have had the same issue as well.  Never tried a speedtest during the day in working hours, as I am at work, but will see If I can explain to the wife, and she can do it, see if its any different off peak. I have tried at around 11ish at night, and still the same, but I suspect this is still a peak time nowadays. Be interesting if this is Ok during the day. The only other thing I can try is the ye olde speedtouch 330 i still have hanging around.
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Quote from: pierre_pierre
well why dont you update your Java?

Well, Java is a real pig. It was a poor cocept and should have been strangled at birth.
Why do BT use it? They should be using some server side scripts to issue their results.
My current Java works on every site but the BT speedtester.
It even works on Java based speedtester sites (except BT).
So why should I put in lots of effort - just so I can run something at weird hours of the day and night.
It tells me the BT BRAS profile [and then crashes] (which frankly is all I need to know).
The PN speedtester works better and much more reliably for actual speed figures. says that I am running "Java Version 1.6.0 from Sun Microsystems Inc."
However, since I'm running a 32bit compatibility version (I think!) in a 64 bit browser (and it works), I'm not keen to upgrade unto the 4th decimal place of Java.
PS BT speedtester still falls over if I run a 32 bit Java in a 32 bit browser.
Like I said Java is a pile of [Censored].
[Moderator's note by Jonathan (chillypenguin):  Please don't try to avoid the swear filter. Forum Rules ]

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Network Issues??

Running 1.6.0_05 on Vista 64 bit and Firefox v2 and it doesn't work
Posts: 12,616
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Correction I am running Java version:-
java -version
java version "1.6.0_06"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode)

I don't know what all that means, except that the Java platform hasn't stabilized yet.
I think I will wait for Java version 2 to arrive.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Me too, Java works perfectly for everything else.
Noticed another post in the business users complaining of low speed, and the OP reckons Plus have mentioned thats its affected a fair few customers. May not be the same issue, but its worth knowing.
Posts: 543
Registered: ‎30-09-2007

Re: Network Issues??

Quote from: penfold
I have recently noticed alot of lagginess in the PlusNet service, whcih has been mirrored in some other topics.

I noticed the same early this morning around 06:00-06:30hr when I was downloading stuff from iplayer.  Unless the Beeb were throttling their servers I was struggling to get 1/8th of the normal download speed!
A speed test confirmed to me that something fishy was afoot.  I just checked and PTN-AG1 does not show any dropped packages at that time in the morning.  I had to run to get to work so I didn't troubleshoot it any further.  Any ideas?