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Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Been with F9 for some 8-9 years as a PAYG dial-up user, and have finally taken the plunge and ordered broadband. So this is very exciting, and very new to me!
I’m at the last stage of the process – a BT engineer was scheduled to activate the line yesterday afternoon. I’m just wondering how long the next part (PN activating the account) should take? The Tracker says that PN “can’t tell if activation was completed” yesterday – is that because it’s the weekend or something? Yes, I know I’m being impatient 🙂
I’ve already plugged in the Dlink modem/router. I know that I’m meant to wait for an email, but I couldn’t help myself! Well, I wanted to see what the options were, and enter the login details, etc. But I was interested to note that the DSL light lit up before the engineer visit mentioned above – so, given that the previous occupiers of this place had broadband (>3 years ago), does this mean that a DSL connection was left on the line? At this stage, I have a red “internet” light – is this because the router isn’t able to authenticate itself because Plusnet need to associate themselves with my line or DSLAM port or something? Should I switch off or disconnect the router from the BT line until I get the email?
A more pertinent question – I was expecting to find 2 microfilters in the box, but there was only one. However, there were 2 DSL cables! A packing error perhaps? If you have a Dlink DSL 2640B, how many microfilters did you get?
Anyway, as you can tell, I’m trying to learn about all this new stuff, but feel free to ignore all of this 🙂
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

If your DSL LED is lit, you have been Activated. It is common fot this to be done earlier than scheduled by BT.
Now, I don't know why you have a DLink Router because PlusNet have been shipping Thomson TG585V7 Routers since November 2008. You may want to query this by raising a ticket.
Since you are Activated, you should configure your Router with your Username and Password etc. and attempt to connect. PlusNet can detect your attempts to connect and will automatically rin a script to authenticate your connection. If it is still failing to authenticate after an hour, call PlusNet and they will do it manually for you while you are on the call. Reboot your Router and you should be connected.
Welcome to Broadband.
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

tis strange, but several new members recently (this year) have had Dlink
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Thanks for your reply 🙂
I've just rebooted (tried both power-off, and a reboot from the web interface, just in case they're different). Now, the Internet light still lights in red, but takes much, much longer to do that. But from what you've said, it sounds like it will sort itself out before long...
I put the login details on the router earlier in the week when it arrived, and have been powering it up occasionally since then, so I guess PN will be seeing this...
Should I be worried about the model of router? A quick websearch hasn't really brought up anything untoward about the Dlink. The missing microfilter is a minor inconvenience, but as we've only got a Dect phone, I can temporally bring the base station upstairs...
Thanks again,
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

to be working the lights should be green (for go)
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Indeed... So I assume that the red Internet light means that the router can't authenticate itself with Plusnet?
I've raised a ticket, and now it's bedtime 🙂
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

I would connect it up and turn on, and then give PN CS a call - they will chcek as well and will enable it manually if you ask them.
Then leave your router power up and connected for several days for the exchange to monitor your line and determine your best best speed profile , up to ten days may be needed - but it usually settles down after 3 to 5 days
Welcome to Broadband - it will be a revelation after dialup  Smiley ;D.
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Just as I was going to bed, I saw the light change from red to green!
Absolutely fantastic - I wasn't expecting a response from the ticket tonight. Thanks!
Looking at the Dlink stats page, I'm getting around 4Mb/s presently, but will keep an eye on it. To be honest, I was a little worried about the "analogue" quality of the line because I only ever got 40Kb/s on dial-up at this house (~50Mb/s where we used to live). And that was at the master socket, minus the house wiring. Then, factor in modern web design that assumes everyone has broadband...
While I'm used to fast internet at work, if anything, it seems faster at home. While the sustained download speeds will be higher at work, the response time is much, much better because of all the corporate security stuff. The thing that I'll appreciate most is being always-on, and not having to store up pages to read off-line..
Anyway, thanks again, and goodnight (really, this time)  Smiley
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Glad you're on ok. A couple of cautions though especially for these first ten days. Don't plug anything extra into your line (and in any event anything should be plugged in via a quality filter) in case this causes you to resync at a lower speed. The lowest sync speed in the first 7/10 days is used to determine the Fault Threshold. Even if you normally sync much higher than the fault threshold, if your line goes faulty, BT won't even consider you've got a BB speed fault if you're above the fault threshold.
It's best to leave your modem/router on 24/7 certainly in the first 7/10 days. As you first synced tonight, when noise levels will have been higher, it would be an idea to resync around the middle of the day when noise should be lower, this should give you a higher sync speed.
Don't do anything though to lose sync more than about 5 times in any hour otherwise the exchange thinks you have a noisey line and will raise the target SNRM resulting in lower sync speeds.
As you have extension wiring (I take it from comment in your posts), make sure the bell wire (terminal 3) is disconnect at the master socket, otherwise this causes extra noise to be picked up on the line. If you need to fiddle with wiring etc., turn off your router first, don't just unplug it from the line, power down first.
Post a copy of your Router ADSL stats that's Sync speed, attenuation, and Noise Margin all both Downstream and Upstream, taken immediately after the resync. It'll give us an idea of what your line is looking like. I also presume your line is nice and quiet, no crackling or other intermittent noise when you listen on the phone.
Good luck, and again welcome to broadband.
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Hello Anotherone,
I did plan to either fit a second microfilter to the downstairs phone, or bring its basestation up here, but it was always going to be an awkward job. But on reading what you said, I've just done it - and I've removed the front plate of the BT socket to eliminate the house wiring. The only non-ideal part is the extension cable between master socket and microfilter - the only way to avoid that would be to move the router into the bedroom - and as I'm not using wireless yet, that gets complicated...
To check for crackles, etc, I've currently got a handset plugged into the filter (instead of the Dect), and this did have quite a lot of background noise. However, this went away completely after I rebooted the ADSL router! And now, I'm getting 8000Kbps! I tried, which gave 2888Kb/s - I guess contention is showing itself here...
I've attached a screengrab - many of the things make sense (I'm an engineer), but can anyone suggest a quick and easy reference for all of those other ADSL-specific numbers?
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Registered: ‎02-02-2008

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Quote from: mhennessy
I'm getting 8000Kbps! I tried, which gave 2888Kb/s - I guess contention is showing itself here...

More likely it's BT's profiling system.
If you used to connect at a slower speed it can take several DAYS (3 or 4 is typical) for BT's equipment to adjust.
You need to stay connected stably at the new higher speed for all that time to get better throughput.
Run a BT speed test and post the full results back here including the IP Profile.
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Quote from: mhennessy
To check for crackles, etc, I've currently got a handset plugged into the filter (instead of the Dect), and this did have quite a lot of background noise.

Glad things going well mark,
Just in case you don't know about it - try the BT quiet line test number 17070 option 2
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎17-01-2009

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Hello again,
Here are the results from

    Your DSL connection rate: 8000 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  448 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 3000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 1814 kbps
So now those earlier results make sense... I'll see if anything changes in a few days time. Thanks for the info!
Thanks also for the 17070 pointer - I didn't know about that 🙂
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Registered: ‎02-02-2008

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Those speedtest results just confirm it's the profile.
Time to sit on your hands for a few days..... Wink
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Hello - new to broadband - a few questions...

Hi Mark,
lucky so and so, you shouldn't have any problems with that sync speed! Your Dlink Router ADSL stats (Sync speed, attenuation, and Noise Margin both Downstream and Upstream) are a bit academic, but it would be nice to see them out of curiosity - it will turn some of use green with envy Wink
As HP has said, the profiling will pick up in a few days.