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Yorkshire Day

Yorkshire Day

Yorkshire Day

Click on your character below to find out more about your Yorkshire personality. 

The Proud One

The Country One

The Economic One

The Indifferent One

The Quietly-Confident One

The Straight-Talking One

The Unfaithful One

The Wishful One

If you’ve not yet taken our (highly scientific) quiz to find out your true Yorkshire personality, then you can find it here!

The Proud One

The Proud One.png


Introducing…The Proud One. With their endless knowledge of the county’s history, our proud Yorkshireman can become extremely competitive if somebody else offers facts about God’s Own Country, and will never be convinced it’s not the best place in world. Owning at least one item with a white rose on it, they’re not afraid to boast about their roots, and will never let you forget their heritage. It is not unusual to hear the ‘YORKSHIRE, YORKSHIRE, YOOORRKSHIRE’ chant when they are around.


The Country One

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Introducing… The Country One. Following closely behind The Proud One in terms of dedication to Yorkshire, they will most likely live out in the countryside, riding their noble steed (aka a Land Rover) around God’s Own Country. They never miss the Great Yorkshire Show or an opportunity to wear tweed and there’s no limit to this one’s knowledge of livestock and farm machinery. Bonus points if they’ve got a Whippet or a Collie in tow.


The Economic One

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Introducing… The Economic One. They absolutely love a bargain, and are signed up to every loyalty scheme going. They know every trick in the book when it comes to getting a great deal, from the best value shops to the great days out on a budget, they’ve got it covered. Always ready with a thrifty tip when it comes to spending, they’re the definition of ‘savvy’. Here in Yorkshire they might be known to have ‘short arms and deep pockets’, but let’s face it – anything over £4 for a pint in God’s Own Country is daylight robbery!


The Indifferent One

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Introducing… The Indifferent One. Though originally from Yorkshire, they’ve lived far and wide across the UK (or maybe even abroad) and have enjoyed each and every place. Not one to be biased, they treat everyone equally no matter his or her roots, taking their Yorkshire warmth and charm wherever they go. Happy to enjoy the delights of other places, they still find it hard to resist a Yorkshire pud when they see one.


The Quietly-Confident One

The Quietly Confident One.png


Introducing… The Quietly-Confident One. You might be able to detect a hint of an accent, but wait until they’re with childhood friends or they’ve had a tipple, then you’ll hear it loud and clear. A hot cup of tea’s a firm favourite, but they’re not fussy on brand as long as it comes with a biscuit, and they’ll never turn down a Yorkshire pudding (just don’t ask them to make one themselves). They’re even flexible on what to call their evening meal; dinner or tea is fine as long as they get fed!


The Straight-Talking One

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Introducing… The Straight-Talking One. Whether or not they were born in Yorkshire, they’ve adopted that most northern of traits – telling it like it is. They might be unafraid to call things as they see them but don’t be fooled, their bark’s worse than their bite and it’s all said with good humour. Down to earth and grounded, they’re a great friend and you can always rely on them to give you their honest opinion. Just be sure you’re ready to hear it!


The Unfaithful One

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Introducing… The Unfaithful One. Despite growing up in the UK’s best county, they’ve moved out of Yorkshire and seem to take for granted their treasured roots. Their accent has softened or even completely gone - more RP than Yorkshire twang - and only the strongest of beers will bring it out.  Their hometown has become a distant memory, and when asked where they’re from they give a vague ‘Up North’, showing no loyalty to God’s Own Country. They think £6 for a pint is reasonable, and - the most cardinal sin of all – they refer to their evening meal as supper.


The Wishful One

The Wishful One.png


Introducing… The Wishful One. Not originally from Yorkshire, they’ve arrived from all parts of the UK and made God’s Own Country their own. Whether coming to study or to work, The Wishful Ones try and assimilate to the northern way of life, even attempting a Yorkshire accent to varying degrees of success. Friends from home might be confused about why they now refer to everyone as ‘love’ or ‘duck’ and insist on having gravy on their chips, but it’s just how we do it in Yorkshire.

1 Comment
1 Comment
Community Gaffer

Done. I'm the Wishful One. Sounds about right. Grin