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Britain loves to hate 'selfies'

Britain loves to hate 'selfies'

Britain loves to hate 'selfies'

It might come as no surprise to hear that Britons love to boast about their holidays with pictures and updates of their travels being the favourite of social media updates. However, we’ve been doing some research here at Plusnet and a sure-fire way to lose followers or friends is to excessively post ‘selfies’ with a fifth of people surveyed (20%) saying they would delete someone for littering their timeline with pictures of themselves. Men are nearly twice as likely (38%) to find photos of babies, pets and food irritating compared to their female counterparts (22%). In fact, women seem to actively enjoy this side of social media with 36% saying they find them satisfying to see. The idea that women are more natural communicators rings true on social media too; only 28% of women said they didn’t enjoy posting anything online compared to 37% of men. Kelly Dorset, Head of Products and Digital Care at Plusnet commented

“Here at Plusnet we have a very open relationship with our customers on our community forums. People are spending increasing amounts of time online and as a broadband company, Plusnet is always interested to see what is making them tick while they are there. “Our research shows, people don’t like to see other people sell themselves too much on social networks. It seems vital to strike a balance between talking about yourself, listening to others and also providing tips and content that friends or colleagues might find useful. Think before you unfollow – as the research shows you could well be posting updates that annoy other people”

Have a look at what made the top five list in each category...

Top five most popular social media posts

  1. Holiday photos/travelling updates (43%)
  2. Funny stories/links/photos (42%)
  3. Pictures of food/babies/pets (28%)
  4. Checking in at different locations (22%)
  5. Sharing feelings/moods/public displays of affection (20%)

Top five social media posts that will get you unfollowed

  1. Selfies (20%)
  2. Sharing feelings/moods/public displays of affection (20%)
  3. Use of colloquialisms and made up words such as “nom” or counting in “sleeps” (14%)
  4. Pictures of food/babies/pets (12%)
  5. Exercise updates (10%)

Top five most annoying social media posts

  1. Feelings/moods/public displays of affection (45%)
  2. Selfies (38%)
  3. Use of colloquialisms and made up words such as “nom” or counting in “sleeps” (38%)
  4. Exercise updates (30%)
  5. Pictures of food/babies/pets (29%)

What do you like/not like about other social media users?  Does our research sound familiar?  Why not post a comment below to let us know...

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