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New Home Phone Offer

New Home Phone Offer

New Home Phone Offer

We're pleased to announce a new offer for customers taking up our broadband and Evenings and Weekends Home Phone service, exclusively through, launching on Monday 27th October. edit: We're now running this offer exclusively through uSwitch, one of our other affiliate partners. This will run from Monday 3rd November. Existing broadband customers can take this offer also, please see below for details. This offer is available to anyone taking Broadband Your Way Options 2 or 3, and will see the price of our Home Phone Evenings and Weekends product reduced to £1.99 a month for three months if taking a 12 month contract. Our Home Phone product offers a competitive alternative to the likes of Tiscali, TalkTalk and Virgin, and gives the added convenience of one bill each month. Our Evenings and Weekends product gives free calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers between 6pm and 8am weekdays and all day at weekends. Note: After the introductory 3 months the price will revert to £9.78* for the remaining 9 months for free evening and weekend calls. Average price works out as £7.83* per month over 12 months, this includes line rental and free evening and weekend calls. * pricing updated in line with VAT reduction to 15% from 1st December 2008. The reduced VAT will stand until 31st December 2009. Frequently Asked Questions * What if I need to change products once I’ve signed up? During the three month offer period you can change broadband product as normal, but will need to keep Home Phone Evenings and Weekends for the full three months. Once the three month offer period is over you can change between Home Phone products every 30 days, however you must keep a Home Phone product for 12 months. * What if I want to cancel within the twelve month term? If you wish to cancel either broadband or Home Phone you will be required to pay the remainder of the twelve month term for the relevant product, or both if cancelling both services. If you have any questions or comments regarding this offer, please head over to our Community Site forums, where we'll be happy to hear them. Mand

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